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Warrior Wednesday - Election Strategy

[caption id="attachment_11040" align="alignright" width="300"]sword Image created using Bitmoji[/caption]

Not that is has anything to do with today's post, but I had to repair my kurigata again. Hopefully, it will last longer this time. Last time, I didn't notice something about it. It wasn't making full contact with the sword because it was arched like a human foot. I scraped off the old glue and filed it down some to make both surfaces connect better, so I think it will last longer this time.

In other news, the election is tomorrow. The province is a bit of a verbal battleground. Simply suggesting an article has too little information or another has come to be under suspicious circumstances results in backlash. Yet I continue to implore people to investigate more deeply. Don't blindly accept something just because it's about someone you don't like. That's not objective.

I don't know why I can mostly stay calm despite all the chaos around me. Perhaps it's my training, though there are many with similar training that seem anything but rational lately.

Elections are a gamble. Most politicians don't follow through with their promises. In some cases, that's a good thing. In others, it's upsetting. It means though that we're betting on someone we actually don't know at all to keep their word. It's rather messed up when you look at it that way.

There are a lot of questionable things being said. For example, people are getting hung up on a politician's stance on guns. Sometimes that is reasonable because I'm way not in favour of voting for someone who wishes all the gun owners I know dead. That's not even a gun issue per se, but rather that I'd prefer a homicidal person isn't elected to any office. In this current election, it's a little silly to get distracted by a topic like gun control legislation because this is a provincial election and matters like gun control and whether or not we would go to war are under federal mandate. Not that we should ignore it entirely. I mean, they might want to run federally someday and then it becomes a BIG problem.

Anyway, I never saw how angry people got during election time when I was a child. I guess I was too busy playing outside in the fresh air with my friends or reading a book. There were only the newspapers, the door-to-door campaigns, TV, and lawn signs to go by and they took a lot more time to get people riled up. Now, everyday is a new angle or attack and the news can put out articles several times a day. There's not time to catch one's breath and think critically about whether or not voters are just pawns in someone else's game. A game where people staying divided is a goal.

This election feels rather... American... Not because people want to liken one of the candidates to someone in the south, but because there has been more focus on attacking the other parties than there has been on marketing their own philosophies and platforms.

I'm working this particular election, so I have an even different view of it than I've ever had before. I've been briefed on voter fraud and things people try because many votes will be coming through my station.

Thankfully, I will be busy all day tomorrow. I'm allowed my phone or a book because I may need to call people, but I'm going to elect to stay off social media, focus on my duties, and take a break from the news onslaught. I'll pack a second book in case I make it through my current one.


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