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On Edge - ROW80 R1-16

This sounds superstitious, but the fact that this is Leap Year has me on edge. Why? The last two have been rather difficult for me.

In 2012, my work place was being divested and I was working multiple job roles because of all the people who had left. My marriage also ended. This led to a major life change, which included moving to Ottawa. I love Ottawa, so at least that worked out. The rest was hard.

In 2016, I was restructured out of my job. This led to me floating about for a while on EI as I tried to figure out my future, trying some things like Copywriting out, and going back to school for screenwriting. After school, it took time to find work and I almost lost my home and car in the process. Scary stuff.

It's now 2020 and I have a full-time permanent job again, but I'm filling multiple job roles because we're short-handed. We're also so far into year end that it's hard to train the person who is learning to be me for one of those roles. I'm just hoping nothing too bad happens because I'd really like to just get to playing music, writing stories, doing martial arts, and having one job. Is that too much to ask for?

I think given my past experiences, my current feelings aren't unreasonable. I'm longing for the slow period of the year that happens to have warm weather and patios.


I have started practicing martial arts at home as part of the 100 Days of Practice challenge. This is a music thing, but I'm tracking my Iaido and Writing along with it.


I'm doing better on my chores. I have started my fabric divider project to visually separate my living room from my entranceway. I have also brought another big box to charity and removed several broken items from my place.


Piano is back in my life as part of the 100 Days of Practice challenge, which I started today.


I had my first dentist appointment in four years. It went really well. This new dentist is going to see if she can get my slight overbite fixed, which could have ripple effects throughout my system and may result in lower inflammation levels and better sleep, as well as, a reduction in teeth grinding, so I'll have an easier time with energy for fitness and get fewer cavities. I didn't know that could all be connected like that, but I'm hopeful, because she said it could also mean less pain in my tendons because lack of sleep alone can cause widespread pain in the body. My overbite might be causing the slight apnea I have and it's almost certainly related to my grinding. At the very least, I'll get a new night guard that doesn't have clips on it because those are hurting my gums.


I'm looking forward to getting back to my stories this week. I didn't get to any at all last week, though I did have some ideas.

Sparks: 76,652/80,000 words
The Mockumentary: 12/120 pages


  1. Wow, you're dealing with a lot! But it sounds like you have it under control. Good luck with the dental work and with the writing!

    1. I do have more on my plate than I would like. In about a month it should hopefully calm down. Year end will have ended and I can hopefully catch my breath!

  2. Definitely not unreasonable! Maybe you can think of other leap years when good things happened? Or maybe you'd rather not go down that road in case you find some sort of pattern...
    Anyway, the extra day is behind us and spring is on it's way. Just like in Asia, I like to see spring as the actual start of a new yearly cycle. ^^

    1. I think I'm just going to take whatever comes. It's all character development, right? For most of the others, I was just living life and enjoying myself, so hopefully I see a return to that :)

      I like your idea on making Spring the start. Everything usually gets better from there. I should be almost out of the hectic year end period at work.

  3. I would suggest that you get the thought of Leap Year out of your head. Bad things do seem to happen the more with think about them. Keep a positive attitude and keep moving forward.

    How exciting that the new dentist has a great option for helping you out in so many ways. Hopefully, at least some of those things come true for you.

    Have a great week!

    1. I think you have the right idea, Chris. I'm going to choose to stick to a more positive mindset. It's hard when the days are so stressful, but I'll figure something out that helps me get through this period.

      Yes, I'm really hopeful on the possibilities the dentist has mentioned!


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