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Showing posts from July, 2020

Chipping Away - 2020 ROW80 R3-W3

I've been chipping away at my bathroom reno this week and haven't made much progress on my writing. I've had to carefully scrape some adhesive off the tiles to prepare for grouting, which hasn't happened yet as I forgot to get the drill bit for mixing the grout. As I'm writing this now, it's Saturday and I had to wait to leave my house to get the drill bit because I was waiting on a delivery. It turns out that it's good I didn't go before as in order to put the new drain on my sink, I need a wrench bigger than all the others I currently have. After grouting and sealing the tile, I intend to install my sink and use it. During painting, I'll just cover it. Bad news for me though, I have to cut the old drain off to install the new one because it can't be pulled through the hole since it was modified. I feel like I've stepped backwards here. I've installed my light, though it will be taped for painting. It takes up vastly less wall space than

Staycation July - 2020 ROW80 R3 Week 2

I didn't do everything I planned on my vacation partly due to rain and because I've been working through some personal issues, which I tried to talk to some friends about and it didn't go the way I had hoped. In time, I may address this here, but I'm feeling quit hurt from the experience and I need time. For me, it was a major piece of a puzzle that has been troublesome for decades now. Anyway, moving on. I spent my staycation getting myself some amenities like a soundbar and a whiteboard on wheels. One fun thing and one writing tool. The whiteboard was left in the lobby by the delivery person, which was less than ideal. I used to have one on an easel, but I had no place for it when I moved cities, so it left my life. I almost replaced it with the same model, but I searched around and found a less expensive one that has an extra feature, which is a telescoping magnetic strip. My old one was also stationary and took up more floor space. And as far as the soundbar goes, I

Fun with Technology - ROW80 R3-1

I've been up to a lot in recent months. Sometimes I feel like I haven't actually done much, but if I look at these recent pictures, I can see what I've done. I've fought a wasp queen, attempted an all black puzzle, gotten a new bike, new utensils, installed an air conditioner (with the help of friends), built a coffee table, installed a shelf to expand my workspace, and I got a mini trumpet for practice. Not pictured are things like fixing my domain name. For a long time, I haven't wanted to use my original domain. Let's face it, my name is hard for most to spell, remember, and I even get tired writing it. So my plan is to publish as Rae Roy going forward and my domain is now . When I came up with that name, I fell in love with it. It's fun and easy to remember. It was a challenge to get it functioning, but both providers were helpful. Even if this is my only achievement this week, I will be happy. Things left t

ROW80 2020 - R3 Goals

I struggled with whether or not I wanted to participate this round. It didn't go so well for me in the last one. I mean, I perhaps got onto the right path with my novel, but I didn't get far into the edits. Not as far as I would've liked to have at any rate. But I realized I didn't really set proper goals to attain. They weren't manageable.  During the break, I took a look at the plan I made during school. It was the plan for spending my time as a writer once school was done. The problem with it is that I don't have the amount of time I thought I might. Maybe I will once my bathroom is done, but I'm living in the present. Anyway, the plan was useful in that it gave me an idea. I also looked at the schedule we used to use for how many pages to write for a screenplay each week to get a first draft done in a semester. We did 6-10 pages each week, but had other assignments. I wasn't working during school, so that amount is too much right now. But it helped m