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Showing posts from July, 2021

Mid-Week Accomplishments - July 18th to July 24th

There has not been a lot of writing, but about a third of my to-do list for this week is already done. That's not bad considering work is keeping me so busy. When you're feeling like you're not getting anywhere, I highly recommend doing up a list and you might surprise yourself. When I updated my Trello board (it had been awhile), I realized I have done a lot more in recent weeks than I thought I had. It was quite motivating to see! 1. I've set up a space for my spiritual practice. 2. There has been the tiniest bit of progress on my plank wall. 3. The garbage has been taken out. 4. I'm actively working on my paper declutter. 5. I've finished watching the storyline episodes of the X-Files. Season 11 was not my favourite, though I enjoyed the ending of the series. 6. I've taken items out of my unit that I don't need. 7. The baby goat picture has been hung on the wall. 8. I have ordered my meds refill. I hate the phone and I'm often running late on this

Forks and Spoons

So last week I had one of those big birthdays where one starts a new decade. I spent the tail end of the previous one figuring out many things about myself and my needs. This included my spirituality, my politics, and my sexual orientation. Because I had time to think about things in a lot of depth, I think the next decade will be good for me or at least better than the previous ones have been.      I also anticipate my 40s to be better because I care less about many things that I should've stopped caring about long ago. A more solid view of what is actually important has replaced those old cares. But some days, I have no idea if anything will improve.  On fitness , I got out for an hour long walk on Friday after work. I was hungry, tired, sweaty, and a little mosquito bitten after, but I felt great. This is something I clearly need to do more often. I had felt like skating would be too much of a mountain to climb that day and it was fairly warm, so the walk was what I opted for in

Goals for ROW80 2021 Round 3

Three months worth of goals are below. Bathroom (1-5 in early July) Yes, the bathroom will still be a thing in my life for awhile longer, but I'm close to finishing the bulk of it. Those items that are making the rest of my home a mess. Well, not all of them. The tub surround for Phase two is hanging out in my living room behind my couch and it's quite an annoying thing to have this large cardboard box there, but it is less in the way than it was in my entrance way, so I'm calling it a temporary win and maybe I'll cover it with a blanket to pretend it's not a giant box behind my couch. 1. Finish plank wall 2. Install trim 3. Get and install corner shelves 4. Move furniture in 5. Celebrate the completion of Phase 1 6. Phase 2? (Depends on plumber) Education I'm currently enrolled in a course to help improve my ability to research as an author as I feel like this is one of my weaker skills at this moment in my writing career. I want to learn the methods that help

No Sense is (Non)sense

No in French is non and it got me wondering about the word nonsense for a moment, but not enough to deep dive on it. It's probably because Latin anyway. Have you ever had one of those days where you want to say everything and you also want to say nothing? Maybe you have a secret. It could be about something private, or a deal that isn't solidified, or it could even be that saying it out loud might make you look disturbed or like an asshole. I have days like this and I think some of it is the imposter syndrome monster nagging me because not having published any of my novels yet makes me feel like I'm not a real writer. By the time I publish Sparks, I wonder if anyone will even want to read it.  It has been through a lot over the years. Point of view changes, setting changes, time changes, and sensitivity changes are among those.  Because I aim to eventually have ties to my other novels, I've had a lot of thinking to do that I didn't initially plan to have to do. Writ