[caption id="attachment_4711" align="alignright" width="300"] Image created using Bit Strips.[/caption] I got frustrated with my Sensei and Sempais on Sunday. Lately, they bring up Jo-ha-kyū often, which is a timing used in our martial art of Iaido, but actually comes from the theatre. This will be explained in writing terms shortly. We like to say the kata needs feeling. It needs Jo-ha-kyū. It also needs metsuke, but we aren't discussing that today. Well, I snapped at them and said that they keep saying that and it's just words without meaning. I said it was entirely subjective and asked why there couldn't be a guideline on the timing like Jo is 6 beats, Ha is 1-2 beats, and then Kyū is 4 beats? Well, they said that's just not possible because each kata needs different timing. Valid point. So we discussed it further. Jo is the "Rising Action". Often, this is when we are unsheathing our swords. In Ippon-me Mae, we are drawing slo...
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