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Funky Friday: Week of May 6

[caption id="attachment_4712" align="alignright" width="300"]Image created using Bit Strips. Image created using Bit Strips.[/caption]

I'm a day late. Sorry. Yesterday was stressful and it got the best of me.


  1. Scared: Online dating is scary. I seem to attract creeps who want to do things like walk around with pictures of me in their phone after chatting for an hour. When I explain that's inappropriate, they freak out at me. Dude, when you make a woman feel like you might try to wear her skin someday, you're doing it wrong and she doesn't have to feel bad about deciding not to get to know you better.

  2. Sickish: I'm still coughing from a head cold that began April 21st. It is a little better after drinking some wine last night.

  3. Happy: I had wine last night and other than some heartburn and sleepiness, I didn't have any reactions. Being yeast sensitive, I don't drink often, but I felt like I needed to treat myself or celebrate, perhaps. More on that another day.

  4. Excited: I have new ideas for my novel. The things I learned at Ad Astra have helped me begin an analysis to discover problem points. I realized I should do more setup and I have to change the location of Josy's apartment some because plants are unlikely to thrive in a basement. The plant thing should have been obvious, but wasn't while I was writing it.

  5. Relieved: My car's rear right wheel was making grinding noises. It was time for a rear brake job including one caliper. Thankfully, I have a financial advisor and will still be able to eat this month. Incidentally, I was told my caliper got seized because I have two years of mileage on my car instead of four. Use it or lose it just like the human body.

  6. Fun: Thoroughly enjoying my new guitar. A new Xbox 360 breakaway cable should arrive next week for use with Rocksmith.

  7. Confused: I seem to be missing a lot of cables I swore I had. Not just the breakaway cable, but the component on for my TV is missing too.

  8. Sad: I am out of chocolate. Perhaps an excuse to drive my car ;)

  9. Dread: I must clean my place. It's for a great reason. I'm getting a screen door put on my balcony. Cleaning is one of my least favourite activities. I mean, I have books to write and stuff.

  10. Introverted: I'm not feeling like going out tonight. Maybe I'll just stay home.


  1. Skeptical: The construction site where the worker was killed has been reopened. Apparently, they've fixed the problems. Or it's too warm for ice now, so that can't happen again...


  1. Somber: You might be living under a rock if you aren't aware of the forest fire in Fort McMurray, Alberta. I will openly say I have no concept of this. I can't fathom what these people are going through. To have their lives altered by nature in such a vicious way... On one hand, a lot of it is just stuff that can be replaced if they have the right insurance. But there will be irreplaceable items like photo albums. I'm sure some collectibles are irreplaceable too. The worst is the pets that somehow got left behind. Those poor animals. I donated to Red Cross while buying wine yesterday. Closer to home, a large fire is ravaging parts of Manitoba and Ontario.

  2. Appalled: An elderly couple was run over in my hometown and they did not survive. They were trying to cross a street to attend a medical appointment.

  3. Blasé: A review of Canada Post is in the works.

The World

  1. Disappointed: Progress made in treating HIV is in danger.

Well, that's all I have right now. I should probably shower.


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