Friday Two summers ago, I and some friends were able to participate in a movie scene in Ottawa's Strathcona Park. The location wasn't unknown to me. Steampunk Ottawa has fairly regular meetups near the ruins and I was a member for a time. They actually had one that day. We were there to film a fight scene for Enter the Drag Dragon. The task set before us was to run at the drag queen who would beat us up with phallic nunchuks. There is more than one drag queen in the story and they all play the same character, Crunch. Ours, Jade London, is in the middle section of the film. Jade is pictured below with the nunchuks in her left hand. One never knows if they will be seen in a movie when they aren't playing a big role, but I'm there. Twice! The second time I'm on-screen was from the filming session that happened in April 2022 at the Mayfair. It's a little harder to find me in that one, but I'm there. Seeing my name in credits was a strange and wonder
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