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Showing posts from August, 2021

August Updates

August 8th: Well, I made a lot of progress on my bathroom reno, but I also hurt myself. After several days of working on it, I'm done installing and caulking the trim. I believe it was the contortionist maneuvering I had to do near the toilet that has done my oblique in near my back. At least it's only part of the oblique muscle? That being said, the main things left are painting the trim, and some other caulking. Those items can mostly be done regardless if I save the trim painting behind the toilet for later.  August 15th: So, I meant to post that last week, but I was in quite a lot of pain. Though I haven't fully recovered, I'm doing much better. I acted background in a movie for a fight scene and was able to throw myself to the ground without hurting myself. Mostly. I did come away with a bruise on my calf from my own shoe: I'm extremely tired after 4.5 hours in a park during ragweed season, but it was so nice being able to see friends and hug them! ...