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Showing posts from October, 2011

Another challenge that I have is...

... writing stuff I think needs to exist in my book, but isn't my strong point or what I'm interested in. Specifically, my characters have quite a literal journey ahead of them and although I have plenty of what I think are neat ideas, there are bits like their birthdays that I feel I should write about because I think my eventual readers will want it in the book. Maybe I'm way off the mark there and should just write what makes me happy and worry about that stuff when I get close to publishing or I may never get close to publishing... That's another thing. Do I self-publish? There are a lot of benefits to that and the old view of security in having a publisher marketing and distributing is becoming outdated. I've read several articles suggesting that many publishers today are not working too hard for the author. Perhaps I just need an editor, a website, and a marketing agent. I say just, but really that could be nearly as expensive or more expensive and may still...