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Showing posts from November, 2018

The Journey Begins Anew!

Thanks for joining me! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton There are a lot of changes going on. I struggled for a long time to figure out what to do. I wanted a business that encompasses everything I do rather than have multiple businesses. I didn't want to deal with the taxes, nor the administration of a site for each endeavor I undertake. Thus, The Write Buttons is born. I'm a writer and a sewer. I also dabble in music and have plans for that eventually. Tiny Samurai isn't going away, it's just taking on a new form. I've purchased my new domain name for 88 cents tonight! I'm just waiting for it to flip to active. One thing? I've been scared of the logistics involved in shipping items. Other than the name issue, I had been letting this hold me back. Well, no more! It's time I just jump in and see where I end up. On the writing front, I'm working on a short documentary. It's taking up a lot...

Thankful Thursday – Abundance

Today was a fantastic day. I was productive right from the moment I opened my eyes. I basically merged data from two apps on my phone, so I could get rid of one of them. Then I worked hard all day. I also heard some potentially good news on the job front depending on how some decisions are made. At home after, I got some laundry done, made tasty Instant Pot ribs with a homemade bbq sauce, and dug out the Christmas tree from storage. I got to spend time with my boyfriend. I even paid some bills. I’m feeling really fortunate for what I have and the things I’m privileged to be a part of right now. Shout out to all those who have been there for me lately. You all rock! R~

RIP Stan Lee

I was going to post something utterly different, but I just found out about Stan Lee and I can’t put any more words together right now. R.I.P. Stan Lee. You were an amazing creator and human. I hope you find Robin, Alan, and Chester. I feel like someone has stabbed me in the heart. R~

Thankful Thursday – Weirdness

There is a lot of stuff happening right now and I have no idea where any of it is headed, but I’m choosing to be positive and thankful that there is so much potential in my life right now. I’d write a lengthier post on the subject, but it’s National Novel Writing Month and I have a story to write! For NaNo, I’m working on The Blood Waitress Club. Right now I’m trying to figure out where I’ve left off as I started it a couple of years ago. I’m loving getting reacquainted with it ❤ R~