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Showing posts from November, 2021

End of November Update

Last weekend, I watched the new Unsolved Mysteries . The theme song is similar, but I feel like anyone new to Unsolved Mysteries would see this and not understand the longstanding history. The 80s kids would. We watched it in the evenings in the TV lit family room and felt a thrilling chill at the voice that came through on the television's speakers. The voice is gone. The format is more like mini documentaries. It's narrated by a member of the victim's family.  New watchers won't know Robert Stack! Onto other things... I figured a mystery of my own out recently. No, I'm not saying what, but I'm excited about it! On Monday, I made it out to the indoor skatepark. I forgot how much effort quad skates are! I managed to make it up one ramp once. I bailed pretty much as soon as I first stood up and I smirked about it. I had jelly legs pretty early on. It'll definitely take me awhile to get my leg strength back for it. I saw some friends on Tuesday for a couple o...

Mid November Update

I figured it was time for a general update. I'm currently sitting at 14/24 books read in 2021. As far as work goes, my mid year check in when well and I'm feeling more motivated after it. French is back on my mind and I found a newer resource to try that involves reading stories. It was inexpensive, so worth a try. I'm wanting to eventually take some courses to add to the film side of my resume. I'm not sure when I'll have the time or the money for them, but at least I have a direction. I have a plumber booked for December 1st. Hopefully, this time, my shower will be repaired and upgraded. This one doesn't do tub surround installs, so I'll still have that to do, but once the leak is handled, I can do that. My other bicycle tire is due tomorrow, so I may actually get to ride my bicycle this week as it's still fairly warm here in Canada. I've been doing a lot of research to help finish Sparks  and while playing Minecraft, I figured out the design of a ...

Time Off

This is how I feel about the time changes.  Luckily for me, I was told that I hadn't taken enough vacation this year, so I took the rest of the week off! It really helped adjusting to the time change. On Thursday, I mainly planned, did some decluttering, and played video games. It was a day for relaxing really. Friday brought time to get a tire and tube for my bicycle. This has been an ongoing saga for me. It took time to find the pump that worked, but it will hopefully finally work out. I also visited my young buddies who had a P. A. Day off school. We played games and had Chinese food. While it was fun, I'm happy not having children of my own. Saturday was a mix of gaming, adjusting my rim to accommodate a Shraeder valve tube, and watching TV. I didn't find my pump until Sunday. I also made progress on my bathroom door, though it's still not quite right. Today, I rearranged part of my bedroom, did laundry, and got my tire set up. Here's the result of that: ...

Early November

Sunday I feel rather boneheaded about this one, but I only just realized my social media links were not up earlier this week. I've since created a list of the links for the sidebar and will get on a pretty Contact Page that includes them as well.  I have NaNoWriMo on the brain right now and may not be posting a lot this month. The more I research my current project, the more excited I am. As a dual benefit, it is helping me with some outstanding learning that I need in order to finish Sparks . Monday I did something I had been meaning to for ages and I got myself a membership at the indoor skatepark. My first visit there was a fail. The skates I brought were too small and unusable. It's a good thing that I have a couple of other pairs. Wednesday I had a doctor's appointment for test results, which all came back excellent. This is a tad annoying because something has been making me dizzy and we don't know what, but at least we ruled out some big things like diabetes, liv...