Today is the annual Bell Let's Talk day to raise awareness and money for mental health in Canada. Before they found the vitamin deficiency, I wondered if I was having a mental health issue. I didn't feel like myself at all. I had bouts of what I can only describe as rage. Anyone who knows me can tell you I'm pretty easy-going. Most things I don't get upset over. But this? Every time a cabbie cut me off, I would get so angry! There'd be a stream of obscenities and it would wreck a large part of my day despite logically knowing a cab driver would probably cut me off. I would also switch moods rapidly. I could suddenly find myself weeping over something that normally wouldn't be a big deal like being unable to open a juice container. I felt like the real me was trying to climb out while some imposter was living my life. I didn't want to tell anyone either. I was worried people would think I was mentally unstable. What do I think now? I wish I hadn't been af...
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