[caption id="attachment_4712" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Image created using Bit Strips.[/caption] I'm leaving town soon, but I thought I have time for a brief post. 1. Ecstatic - My guitar was ready yesterday, so naturally I packed less than I should have and didn't bake the bread. It sounds fantastic! 2. Hungry - Waiting on my bread to finish baking. There won't be a dog or even other humans in my hotel room, so no ill should befall it this time. 3. Excited - Ad Astra!!!! I missed it last year due to a prior commitment. So much to do and see! And do many of my writing friends will be there. It's wonderful being around people who love something as much as you do. 4. Busy - Still have turkey bacon to cook and veggies to cut up. I can almost finish loading the car. I should also dust it. It's overdue. Then gas up and pick up a member of my writing group. Oh, and I better export a copy of my manuscript into word, so I can view it...
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