Arts & Crafts I missed craft group this week since it was on the holiday Monday and I had softball practice. I got some craft supplies organized, but mostly took a break. I think I've been needing one as I've been getting pain in my elbow and bicep area. That might be from crochet. Crochet may be faster than knitting for some things, but since what is made is double thick, it's actually harder on the joints, especially given that it mainly uses one arm. I guess it will take me longer than I'd like to finish my entrance table runner. I never thought crafting could be keeping my arm hurt because it didn't usually cause me pain. I guess I get to focus on reading for a bit instead and do some machine sewing. I have some sewing projects on the to-do list. I also have a Wonder Woman diamond painting kit. Decluttering & Minimalism I'm taking it easy, but also slowing plugging away at the battle against entropy. I can't tell which of us is winning yet. Hopef...
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