[caption id="attachment_4711" align="alignright" width="300"] Image created using Bit Strips.[/caption] Let's face it, the world is full of stress. It's not hard to find a news story where someone has been hurt or killed. Why is it so common? Well, it's possible that it isn't and there is just more attention given to those types of stories. Maybe it has to do with people working long hours and overtime in many jobs. Is it more than before? That may depend on whether you look at the entire working history of the world before unions or take a snapshot that covers the last 10 years. "Before" is subjective to whoever is looking at the issue. Are there more mental health issues today? No idea on this one. We see it in the news more, but that doesn't mean it's happening more, only that it's actually being talked about and diagnosed now. Do people not have enough healthy outlets to deal with the pressure they face? Maybe. I ...
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