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Warrior Wednesday - Budo as Life

[caption id="attachment_11040" align="alignleft" width="300"]sword Image created using Bitmoji[/caption]

Coming back to the city after a weekend filled with sugary foods, alcohol, and over consumption makes me want to get serious about my fitness goals.

I have to admit that even when I was heavy, once I started doing karate, I shed pounds quickly, but I wouldn't say I didn't notice or that it was easy. It was hard work. Crunches, sit ups, burpees, side kicks, front kicks, push ups, leg raises, roundhouse kicks, punches, squats, lunges, etc. Not easy nor fun, but I went from being near 200 lbs to the right range for my body size. Those belts were hard won, so I never understand when someone says it's easy to give up martial arts. Martial arts are a part of who I am. They aren't just something I do to pass the time or get some exercise in.

Advancing doesn't happen because you've been doing it for some arbitrary length of time, but your ability to demonstrate the skill level you are challenging for. To be able to demonstrate that skill takes a certain level of fitness combined with the ability to perform properly on the day. You're more likely to screw up on the day if you haven't been working on your fitness level and if you haven't practised enough. Like anything else, you need to know it inside and out to be able to overcome the jitters that can wreak havoc. You have to keep it together. The right mindset and energy is crucial.

One of the high-ranking people in my primary martial art told me that 80% of my weak areas are directly related to my posture. If I fix that, many other things will resolve along with it. And I can feel that happening. Since I began focusing on my core, I rarely lose my balance now. I have more work to do, but I'm not in a hurry and I don't have an inclination to focus on the finer details until I have the bigger foundational items in place. Big cuts, right posture, and strong legs. Any problems left after the big things will be easier to fix later. I may even figure those out on my own as I learn to control my body better.

But I struggle with general fitness because I sit too much between writing and sewing, so I'm going to do Couch 2 5K. I have no idea if I will ever care to actually run marathons, but I want to get more activity in than just martial arts a couple times each week. Running is pretty cheap as the main things are shoes and water, which I already own. I have a little mp3 player too. This contributes to its attractiveness as I don't have cash for other things like a gym membership or karate. It may also help me deal with the heat better.

But what would the effort mean without taking a serious look at my diet? Almost useless. Things that help improve fitness include what you put into your body, the amount of energy you expend, and self care. I need to eat healthier, so I'm going to reduce starches and sugars. If I have potatoes, rice, or corn, I don't need bread. In fact, many vegetables are carbs, so one can easily fill their plate with veggies rather than heaping it full of rice. With my past yeast issues, it's best I not eat bread constantly anyway.

Weight loss is primarily done through eating properly. About 80% of it is food. And it makes complete sense as food is fuel for our bodies. If you put sugar in a gas tank, it rots holes in it, just like it does to our teeth. Eventually, sugar causes diabetes, blood pressure problems, yeast overgrowth, and more. But we are glucose-based organisms, so cutting all sugar is silly. Having a reasonable amount of fruit daily is healthy. It's candy, pop, cake, ice cream, etc that should be had in moderation. I rarely drink pop, so that one is easy for me. Chocolate isn't so easy, but I don't think I do too badly as I rarely eat it. I've been pretty good outside of the weekend actually. But I've always loved pasta and potatoes. I've felt sluggish lately after eating a stir fry because I've been eating more rice than I need to, so that's a change I'm making.

Today being my birthday might have been a good day to start as a gift to myself, but it looked stormy and I really wanted to finish the book I was reading on the weekend. I'm also wanting to play some videogames and try a D-Box movie. Spiderman would probably be fun in that format. I'll start the running on Monday as it's 3 days a week and I'll work on some other things like finishing that online course first. I'll start the healthier eating tomorrow or maybe next week as well. I'm considering treating myself to a dairy and gluten free cheesecake before the diet changes.

ROW80LogocopyGoals Update

Novel - The Blood Waitress Club is coming along nicely. I wrote a bit on the weekend. I've caught up to a point I wrote a long time ago when it nagged me to be put down onto the page. It came out better than I originally thought.

Screenplay - I'm still reading Save the Cat. With the course wrapping up, I can put more time into this.

Sewing - My purse is almost done. I will start my products on Monday regardless of whether or not I've finished the purse.

Kitchen Reno - There's only one drawer left, but I have to focus on cleaning my living room, kitchen, and bathroom as they're coming to do pest control in a week and a half, which requires me to empty my cupboards. So much for making progress by getting things put away...

Course - This is almost done. I may even get this done after the movie this afternoon before playing video games and enjoying cheesecake.

Reading - According to Goodreads, I'm halfway through my reading challenge for this year having read 6/12 books. I aim for 1 per month, but sometimes I get no where near that. We'll see what happens when school hits. I might log scripts I've read where possible. I read Gremlins, but the script isn't listed in Goodreads.

Cleaning - I got all my dishes cleaned before leaving for the weekend, so I just need to maintain that now. I have a bunch of laundry to do again. I have too many clothes, but little idea what to get rid of.

Well, I must hop in the shower if I have any hope of making the movie. Since I have Scene points, I get to have fun for free.


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