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Thoughtful Thursday - Rampant Intolerance

thoughtfulI'm tired. I regularly see people who shout about tolerance then refuse to discuss differing opinions. They jump to name calling and exclusion. But as I participate more in the world, I realize that these extreme social justice types are a minority. There are many people who believe in true equality rather than attacking white males to get ahead. That gives me hope for a future where people are truly free to live and let live.

Right now there is such a high amount of tension that we're seeing more and more ridiculous displays of anger like this road rage incident that happened in Toronto this week. People are running around saying and doing whatever they want expecting that there won't be any consequences.

I think some of it is a result of trying to force people to participate in practices against their will. The more people run around punching every white male they declare a Nazi, the more hatred is bred. Especially when many of them aren't white supremacists or bigots, but they simply disagree with some aspects of social justice.

Lumping all white people together is silly anyway. We all come from different backgrounds. My mother hordes because she grew up poor. She lived on a First Nation's reserve. My great grandfather was from Scotland and the Scottish went through some really crappy stuff at the hands of the British like many other ethnic groups around the world.

Stop blaming the white male for your challenges in life. Start taking ownership for the bullshit that you do. If you spend your free time declaring all men to be assholes on your blog or Facebook page, it might impact how employers and potential publishers view you. If you spend all your free time whining about how no one wants to date you, it's not going to make you attractive to prospective partners. If you write articles about how you think your boys, who have never done anything wrong, are potential rapists, you need professional mental help and don't deserve to be a mother. Is it a wonder that one of them is suicidal?

I see so many people say stuff like that they wish they could write a book, but they have no interest in improving their grammar, no interest in actually putting pen to paper or fingers to keys, no interest in doing research, and more.

Everything worthwhile in life takes effort. We all have challenges. I know people with MS, cerebral palsy, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and missing limbs who don't spend their time whining about much of anything. They just do the work and spend their free time living as fiercely as they can. And they don't make others feel bad. They realize other people are struggling with their own things too.

I'm so over the idea that all white people should feel like crap about who they are because some white people were assholes. Look, there is some stuff we gotta fix. The stuff that is happening now with First Nation's people that is impacting their ability to be healthy like having access to clean water is a start. Maybe there's some stuff we can't really fix there, but we can definitely do better and we don't need to hate ourselves to do that.

And if you have a white brother and a white father, it really doesn't make sense to be hating white males. You wouldn't exist if your white daddy didn't get naked with your mother.

The world needs less hatred.

Might as well start by accepting yourself. If you truly learn to, you'll stop making excuses for why you can't do something. You'll stop blaming other people. You'll learn to be tolerant of other viewpoints and be able to discuss things without name calling, bullying, threats, etc.

Hatred is best fought with kindness.

Guid cheerio the nou,




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