I have been pretty busy since my last post. I worked through some issues with my book, though the word count has not changed substantially. I made a new friend who got me hooked into the writing scene in Ottawa. I've been attending writers workshops and I am learning a lot about things beyond writing my novel. I went to a workshop on how to pitch my story to an agent. It was very informative. I learned that my book needs to be clarified some. For instance, I have always said I am writing a Social Science-Fiction novel. In actuality, I may be writing a New Adult Science-Fiction novel, which may fall under the Romance genre. So I have learned that New Adult is the age group of my audience, and I have also learned that there are a lot of keys to pitching. Some of the things I learned are common sense and others are interesting... 1. You'll never get an agent or publisher interested by trying to shove your manuscript under a toilet stall. Totally makes sense. Why woul...
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