November is nearly upon me. This means National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). This means 30 days where I attempt to write 50,000 words while working 9 to 5, attending several martial arts seminars and classes in preparation for December grading, and try to keep up with other life things. I've read it's important to reward oneself, so on my list is: 1. A deck of Tarot cards. 2. ??? 3. Digital bunny ears. (Might wait for a sale) 4. A "Best Brass" trumpet mute. So I might drop off the planet for many people this month. I'll be slow to answer texts and I'm going to avoid Facebook. I will tweet the odd thing that will update Facebook for me, but my goal this month is to see how much I can do in 30 days if I cut down my social media time and really focus on my writing. I've been looking forward to starting this new story. It's been hard to resist starting ahead of the November 1st start date. I worry that I will finally be allowed to write and the words w
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