[caption id="attachment_4711" align="alignright" width="300"] Image created using Bit Strips.[/caption] I spent a lot of today at a doctor's appointment. Telemedicine is wonderful except when there are technical difficulties. If the chairs were comfortable, I think people wouldn't mind being stuck waiting as much. Do medical offices ever test the chairs before they buy them? They say that sitting is as bad as smoking now. I suppose streaming services have contributed to this. Before, I might watch one episode of a TV show at night and during the commercials, I would get up and do something in between like put a load of laundry on. I would get up several times during an hour long show. Now, I watch several episodes in succession only getting up to use the washroom or grab a snack. But I'm an active person at heart. I like taking walks. I love skating. I'm a passionate martial artist. I like geocaching. When I play my guitar, I'm almost...
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