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I'm in limbo right now. The job application and interview process is a slow one. Companies take months to get from advertisement to selection. I know this. It doesn't make me feel better, though. I don't want to end up on EI, even if it would be nice to get a little of it back after paying into it for so long.
My days are currently taken up with job searches, applications, etc. And otherwise, I'm trying to get a martial arts seminar booked into a location, which is more difficult than one might think. Some places give preference to organizations that have booked with them before even if it's not a recurring weekly event or they haven't yet booked with them. Seems odd to me. Why wouldn't you go with the guaranteed income? Maybe they're friends.
My job coach says that this period where I'm waiting to hear about jobs is normal. He recommends going to more networking events.
I have an appointment tomorrow to get professional photos done. I need them to go with my writing bio (rather than a selfie) and my LinkedIn could use it too. There's a promotion on at this place a couple of blocks away, so I'm going to try them out. I was told to bring two outfits, no black. Apparently, black thins you in person, but does the opposite on camera.
I got a few more outfits from the thrift store today. They had $2 off pants, skirts, blouses, and blazers. My lucky day. Now I need to do laundry, though. I also need a couple of camisoles as two shirts are a little see-through. For $30 I got 1 pair of pants, 2 blazers, 2 scarves, 4 blouses, and 4 skirts. One blazer needs a small repair. The back hem has come out in one area. That's not a big deal though. I have to get fixing my fancy martial arts pants before seminar and taikai next weekend anyway.
More edits have been made to my mystery story Sandra's First. One was left over from before. I couldn't decide which way to go with it then. The other, I think was missed because of the mess of tracked changes markings all over.
I'm in limbo right now. The job application and interview process is a slow one. Companies take months to get from advertisement to selection. I know this. It doesn't make me feel better, though. I don't want to end up on EI, even if it would be nice to get a little of it back after paying into it for so long.
My days are currently taken up with job searches, applications, etc. And otherwise, I'm trying to get a martial arts seminar booked into a location, which is more difficult than one might think. Some places give preference to organizations that have booked with them before even if it's not a recurring weekly event or they haven't yet booked with them. Seems odd to me. Why wouldn't you go with the guaranteed income? Maybe they're friends.
My job coach says that this period where I'm waiting to hear about jobs is normal. He recommends going to more networking events.
I have an appointment tomorrow to get professional photos done. I need them to go with my writing bio (rather than a selfie) and my LinkedIn could use it too. There's a promotion on at this place a couple of blocks away, so I'm going to try them out. I was told to bring two outfits, no black. Apparently, black thins you in person, but does the opposite on camera.
I got a few more outfits from the thrift store today. They had $2 off pants, skirts, blouses, and blazers. My lucky day. Now I need to do laundry, though. I also need a couple of camisoles as two shirts are a little see-through. For $30 I got 1 pair of pants, 2 blazers, 2 scarves, 4 blouses, and 4 skirts. One blazer needs a small repair. The back hem has come out in one area. That's not a big deal though. I have to get fixing my fancy martial arts pants before seminar and taikai next weekend anyway.
More edits have been made to my mystery story Sandra's First. One was left over from before. I couldn't decide which way to go with it then. The other, I think was missed because of the mess of tracked changes markings all over.