I have a lot of cleaning to do. Laundry, dishes, the kitchen, the bathroom, etc. I'm itchy. I'm tired. I'm frustrated. But it has to get done. You see, tomorrow my dojo is hosting an all day seminar. We've been planning it for a while. And some people may be at my place. We're also meeting at a bar tonight because that's how it's done. The truth is that I've been wanting to get my main living areas cleaned up for a while now. Months really. I'm always more motivated to when I might have people coming over for some reason. Maybe someday I'll just want it clean for me. I suppose it's partly because I spend so much time in a world of my own making that the house gets neglected. I could be cleaning OR I could be battling dragons and wizards! I could be cleaning OR I could practice my guitar. I could also be learning French, practicing martial arts, watching TV, reading a book, or literally anything is better than cleaning. Yes, I'm stalling
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