There is a lot on my mind today. Yesterday, I received a rejection for The Page & The Magician, so I'm processing that and trying to figure out the direction I should take with it. Most erotica publishers only do ebooks and if I'm going that route, I might as well do it myself because I want the option of print books for conventions and such. Plus, a lot of my friends actually prefer physical books with signatures.
The job is going mostly well though I'm unsure if I'm completing my work fast enough. I love it though. I often get to work from home often and have a lot of autonomy, which is something I've been craving for a long time now. I still have to pay the parking ticket I received on day one. Meetings are going to be shortened slightly so I don't have to lose half of my day's wages. YAY! The parking in the area of the Gatineau office is street with a limit of 1 hour. Some spots have 2 hour, but those are always taken.
Every time some progress is made on the planning for the martial arts seminar, something else happens to block it. I spent yesterday trying to get a restaurant booked and no matter how hard I tried it wasn't happening. The prime choice of restaurant was already booked by a large group. I tried calling our next option, but they must have had their phone automatically hanging up. There was a change room snafu and I ended up having to speak to the custodial staff that will be there on the day in question to get it sorted. The whole thing has been way more complicated than is necessary and it's partly because their computer system doesn't allow much of anything. You can request one thing on the permit like just the gym. Everything else has to be added by their admin. If your permit is approved before they add the other things, you don't get those things. Lessons learned for next year's seminar... What's left is with Sempai to finish except for some signs.
My last edits are in on the short story for the mystery shifter anthology coming out soon. I'll definitely be shouting about it when it's ready! Researching for a Steampunk romance story and also planning ahead for a pitch to a group I really want to write for. Incidentally, that pitch had me waking up repeatedly last night to scribble some ideas down. I was extremely sleepy but actually managed to convince myself that no-I-would-not-remember-it-in-the-morning and I had better write something no matter how tired I was. They mostly make sense today, so I call that a writer win.
As if that all wasn't enough, I ponder my love life or lack there of. Because my brain is a jerk sometimes.
Off to ponder Steampunk things combined with Samurai things because that's how I roll. Also known as possibly having bitten off more than I can chew.