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Tidying Up


I'm tidying my place because I probably have company coming October 1st. I'm not going to do the KonMari thang and here's why:

Just because something doesn't bring me joy, does not mean I don't NEED it. Case and point? My tools. I NEED them in order to accomplish things like oh... putting up curtains, blinds, etc which do give me joy. Plus, they're fucking expensive!

I'm not throwing out my photos. They are part of who I am as a person.

Clothes are easier to get rid of. I WILL go through my closet and add a layer for my skirts and pants so it is more organized and empty the box that is in there holding who knows what. I'm not getting rid of my old theatre shirts. I will make them into a blanket. I already got rid of some things today.

I'm not going to go through all of my things in one day. Why? That is too damned exhausting. It takes too many spoons.

There are three reasons why my place gets messy:

  1. I'm a busy person between my writing, my socializing, and my martial arts.

  2. I'm not great at putting things back where they live.

  3. I'm a creative person who has a ton of projects on the backburner.

Now, some projects I won't get around to soon, so the pieces for them will go in my storage area rather than the garbage. I have some nifty things that I want to turn into something when I have time to sit down and plan them out.

I'm not folding my socks. Putting them together in a ball is practical. It ensures the mates are together. And I just don't have the free time to fold socks. I'm working on two careers and challenging my second level black belt soon. I'm also learning French and guitar. I'd rather spend any other free time with loved ones or playing a video game. Because those activities bring me joy.

I have a lot of friends who are into this KonMari thang and it's great it works for them. It's not how I roll though. And apparently I'm not the only one.

I do want a new gym bag. My Goodlife bag doesn't give me joy, but it's really that I want to ensure I don't reinfect myself with fungus. Also, the front pocket has ripped inside and things don't stay where they are supposed to. Also, I should probably have one with wheels instead because it's better for my neck.

My mom grew up just after the depression ended. She couldn't learn to make pie crust until they could afford to waste flour. I don't throw stuff out that is still useful to me. If it's not useful, I donate it. Like the fish tanks and such I dropped off today.

If it doesn't give you joy, I think it's important to ask why. I have this large slim jug for my fridge. It wasn't overly expensive. It leaks. Have I thrown it out? No. I thought I'd try some white plumbing tape first to see if that stops it from leaking. Cheap fix and doesn't put more stuff in the landfill. It's probably recyclable anyway, but that's besides my point.

I'm really not one for wearing heels if I can avoid it, however, I own several pair because sometimes women just need to wear heels. Especially tiny women. Heels help you get a job sometimes.

I have a ton of books I haven't read yet. Not picking up each one to see if it gives me joy. Books give joy as they are read and after they are read typically.

There's one episode of Buffy that I absolutely hated. Should I throw out the disc it's on? I love the other 3 episodes. Yes, I have the entire series on DVD. I have them in 4x4 CD wallets. Why? There have been periods where I have had to go without internet or be capped, so I can still watch things I love without costing myself extra money. And their cases didn't give me joy.

My project management textbooks don't give me joy, but there's a wealth of knowledge in them I can apply to my writing process. Keeping. Plus they kind of look good on the shelves. Make me look smart or something.

Oh, receipts don't give me joy either, but the tax people like them.

Anyway, I'm sure you've gotten the picture. I'm quite capable of tidying without giving some other lady money. If I was going to do that, Molly Maid is $35/hour and I can rest with my feet up while someone else cleans.

Tonight's plan? Recycle cardboard, clean off my dining table, a load of dishes, and a load of laundry. That is more than enough for one day.


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