On Saturday, I awoke around 7:00 AM without an alarm. I went on Facebook and for some reason, my aunt showed up in my suggested friends list. This was strange to me as last year I had tried to find her and some of my other relatives online without any success. Three hours later, my brother texted me to let me know my aunt had passed away. It would simply be a strange occurrence, if this type of thing hadn't happened to me on two other occasions. On those other occasions, before finding out that friend's fathers had died, I saw someone that looked exactly like them in a public place. Before I could say hi, the strangers disappeared. Yeah, I know what that sounds like. One of my aunts is a registered clairvoyant. She's helped police solve cases. I know what that sounds like too. I also know scientists say there's no way ghosts can exist. My grandma died in our house when I was 6. One day shortly after, I don't know exactly how many days after, both my brother and I he
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