Well, roller derby practice was cancelled tonight, so I finished the conversion of my novel into Scrivener. I had originally started doing this in an overly manual, as in cut-and-paste each chapter, way. I decided that was silly and I have too much computer background to be mucking about with that nonsense. I started using the import feature. The first attempt with the import just put it in one big file. At first glance, I thought this wasn't what I wanted, so I tried another one. The second import attempt, I tried the split feature using the # symbol. It didn't work. It went through the motions but didn't populate any information into my project. I started screwing around a bit and found an option that lets you select text and have it and everything that follows it split out into a new scene. This, I decided, would do the trick if combined with the first import attempt. I did a first pass of separating them out into the chapters. Next I created chapter folders and
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