Well, I finished draft two of The Page & The Magician . The day after, I awoke excited and went to finding beta readers. I'm looking for swaps of some sort rather than buying a service. I only want to pay for the final edit and cover design outside of the actual production expense of printed copies and whatever eBook expenses await me. It feels great to have moved on to the next stage! I'm now slowly working on cleaning my place. While I was living in the world of my book, I kind of ignored the real world. Oops. I'm cleaning it at a casual pace and catching up on some movies. I read a friend's new YA story. It's set in Ottawa, Ontario and man is it intense! Check out A Test of Loyalty by Laurie Stewart. The weekend came to a close too early for my liking. I suppose I should work on another project once my cleaning is under control. Maybe the roller derby story as it's already around 50,000 words and just needs a plan. I can outline what I want to do and reo
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