This week's theme is "Trees." Trees are often in competition for resources. The taller trees get more sunlight and they are the first to make contact with the rain that helps nourish them. Animals seek shelter beneath their boughs. A more runty tree that has unfortunately found itself planted underneath it is unlikely to thrive. But lightning will strike that big tall tree first and potentially kill it. I had an epiphany this weekend after chatting with some friends. I've been feeling rather scattered as I applied to any job that I could possibly do. It's made it quite difficult for me on the resume front. I decided to sit down and think about what I'd really like to do and I'm now pursuing one path more than others. This path will make use of all my skills, pay my bills, and allow me a reasonable amount of work-life balance that won't leave me so exhausted by the evenings and weekends that I won't be able to pursue my writing projects and my inter
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