[caption id="attachment_11040" align="alignright" width="300"] Image created using Bitmoji[/caption] We practiced Oku Iai the other day. The seated Oku set. I love both the seated and standing Oku sets because they are the most artistic and free flowing. There's no constant stopping, just beautifully dangerous sword work. Well, if you can do it right. It takes a long time to get there. I know I'm not there yet. So mine still looks pretty jerky because beginners are taught to pause in a lot of places. I sit down differently than in this video because women can grab the left opening on our pants and do a curtsy-like motion instead. I really like that. Indeed, I have other work to do too. My left quad is not as strong as it needs to be in order to sit properly in tatehiza and my right is not strong enough to let me get up quickly enough. There is always something to continue to work on with this art. I see many squats and lunges in my future. And th...
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