It's the first day back to class after reading week. I got a reasonable amount of things done.
The break started with a trip to Montreal to spend time with friends and do martial arts. Much sake, conversation, and training was had.
I painted a good chunk of my entrance and hall. I intend to try to finish the front door later tonight. My place is a mess from moving things around to paint. Some won't ever go back because I want my place to be nicer. Other things like my skates will go into a bin because I don't need them regularly. I need to figure out what takes gum off a quad wheel before I can close it...
My mom had her 75th birthday the day after Family Day. They had a quiet meal at a favourite burger place. Sometimes the simple things are the best things.
I got a play review and book review done. I also started another assignment. It's a fun one as I get to watch a movie I like and dissect it. It's lengthy and needed to be started early. I didn't do much else in the homework realm because I was pretty burned out before heading into the weekend and wanted to replenish my creative juices.
I put together a puzzle while in too much pain from painting. It's the Great Wave of Kanagawa. People online say it is too hard. I did it in 4 days. Mind you, I didn't get a lot else done in that time.
I also had a date that was filled with interesting conversation set to live music, which are two of my favourite things. We talked a lot about one of those topics you're not supposed to talk about, but considering we met at a political function, it wasn't unexpected. We also talked about dogs. I want one SO bad! I'd like to see him again :)
There's also been a lot of online debating, which led me to removing any of the people prone to personal attacks instead of staying on topic. The people who are left have been engaging in polite and reasonable debate. I cleared off some other people I just have too little in common with and never hear from also. It seemed like a good time.
Last night was B-Movie night. The movie was hilariously bad. It was Jersey Shore Shark Attack. This was my first experience of Jersey Shore.
Though tired, I made it to class for 9 AM today. I've been struggling making it on time for that one, so I'm glad I did. We have some evenings instead for it and I'm looking forward to that.
And I fell asleep partly through writing this post. Mondays are too early for me.
All said, I think I did reasonably well on goals despite being on vacation. I fit in a good balance of socializing and feel ready to get back at my studies. I was excited as we worked on our one act plays earlier today :D
And that's how life's river flows today.