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2024 - Week 29

Arts & Crafts  This week's crafting plan was the cape for my Drag & Balls costume. A friend offered to make a part for me and my shoes came in the same day I was meeting him. I love it when a plan comes together! That's a common Dad Roy saying. Decluttering & Minimalism  I think I decluttered myself out of the wig I was going to alter for my costume. I'd be upset, but I'll have a better wig that is stylable instead. I don't regret getting rid of things I wasn't going to be using. The old one was from a steampunk Buffy cosplay I did very long ago and it was just plastic crap. Gaming & Streaming  I've started the currently last tier of rich soil for my vertical farm setup. This final level is for flax, which gives me an animal-free way to obtain wool for things. I'm not much for the effort that animal husbandry takes, so this is nice. Chickens would be nice to have for eggs. I'd rather help someone else get cows going for meat and leath
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2024 - Week 28

Arts & Crafts  I started and stopped my costume due to how busy the weekend was. I visited a monthly craft group and I found it a better time than others I've been to. The vibe was chill and people were doing a wider variety of crafts. They had had a materials swap earlier in the day and I was able to get some goodies out of what was left. I got some yarn that is quite nice and I'm looking forward to making a sweater vest from it eventually. Decluttering & Minimalism  I've not made any progress here. In my defense, it was my birthday on Friday and all I wanted to do was nothing when I wasn't spending time with my friends. Gaming & Streaming  I've been making a lot of rich soil and changed my farm to a tower setup that takes up less ground space. I'm working on the flax level. I'm going to have so much wool from that without dealing with sheep. Goal Setting & Tracking  Arts & Crafts: Begin costume for Drag & Balls. Decluttering & M

2024 - Week 27

Arts & Crafts  I've been too tired to clean this room up, so I didn't get to it this week. But I will be starting my costume for Drag and Balls very soon, so it will have to get done. Decluttering & Minimalism  This video was one of the best I've seen on how to help a person with ADHD clean their home. The use of see through bins is more helpful than a lot of people may realize. Also, just by grouping like things together, it helps take away some of the hard parts of decision-making, it lets them see just how many of an item they may have, and it makes it easier for them to decide on downsizing items on their own schedule. Gaming & Streaming  My Minecraft  house and car. Also, the pub I've been working on. Goal Setting & Tracking  Arts & Crafts: Clean craft area. Decluttering & Minimalism: Finish door repair and reinstall. Gaming & Streaming: Just have fun. Lifestyle & Sports: Continue with physio exercises and play softball. Music &

2024 - Week 26

We have reached the end of the first half of 2024. Please give yourself a high five for making it this far. Arts & Crafts  I really haven't crafted much all month. I've been letting myself heal. And I've needed a break. But I will be attending a different group soon and hopefully that will be good for me. Decluttering & Minimalism  After watching tiktok videos where people put their beds in their closets, I felt inspired. My bed is too big for that, but my rowing machine folds up and fits nicely, so I was able to reclaim some floor space and move my bike stand. That led to me figuring out some other pieces and I've been making changes that I'm excited about.  Changes like dealing with the bathroom door that has never worked well. I'm switching to a bifold door that I have already. The only trouble is that it needs a little repair because the hole for the part that sits in the floor broke. Attempt 1 to repair this was just to fashion small plugs for it: W

2024 - Week 25

Arts & Crafts  Craft night didn't happen this week. I was the only one who showed up. As nice as the woman at the library is, I'm re-evaluating my own attendance since this happens far too often. There's another group that meets monthly and is easier to fit into my schedule, so I'm looking into that. Decluttering & Minimalism  On the digital end of things, I replaced the Goals tag with Goal Setting & Tracking. I also made a template for the blog. It's not great. It just lets me skip typing out the headers I use in nearly every post, but I still have to format them into the header format. Still, it's helpful because Blogger has this feature I find annoying. What is it? It doesn't show the outline of the box where posts are typed. I want lines, but there is nowhere to turn that on in the settings. Anyway, I'd make the template better, but it only accepts basic text. I have some things I want to do, but they require my drill and I don't know

2024 - Week 24

Arts & Crafts The problem with my Perler bead crafting may be that I have been using Hama beads. They melt differently than the Perler ones do. Due to an event at the location, there was no craft group this week. I decided a good alternative was to clean up the beads and put them away for now because I'm not having enough fun with them for the amount of mess they cause. Concerts & Plays Saturday held an adventure as I needed to pick up a special pin at Arts Court before seeing a play that a friend was performing in at La Nouvelle Scène. It wouldn't be all that far from where I parked at City Hall if not for the absolutely wrong shoes to wear. My feet were quite sore by the time I got there. I debated taking a bus to my car after. I walked and stopped in at Steve's Music . More on that below. The play was Murder She Read  and it was quite a silly spin on a murder mystery. An avid reader of mystery novels attempts to solve the crime with a "spirited" butler

2024 - Week 23

Arts & Crafts I had hoped to enjoy Perler beading more than I do. They just don't melt well. I'm sure there is some key to it that I'm missing or my iron is terrible. The smaller items tend to turn out better for me. Wow, I hadn't noticed I used a dark pink one in my heart. Oops! On the opposite side, one can see that they aren't melting evenly. I read I should have parchment paper with holes in it. I'm wondering if it's as simple as that and if I can buy some that already has holes in it. That darn pink one! Maybe I can paint it... Decluttering & Minimalism I haven't done much on the decluttering this week since I'm not allowed to be all that physical while my mouth is healing. I've been focusing on smaller efforts instead. Gaming & Streaming I'm taking a break from streaming for now while I heal. I can talk, but it hurts.  On Sunday, we continued our Pathfinder  campaign. When last we met, we had defeated an angry enchanted caul