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Showing posts from December, 2021

What's Coming in 2022 Part 1

They're a little bit messy, but here are my current plans for the first quarter of 2022. I've been wanting to get into using my Rocketbook instead of paper planners, but I had barely used the planner I had and didn't want to waste it. Well, I think being at least halfway through it is more than reasonable at this point. Eventually, I'll digitize my old planners to clear that clutter, but there isn't a rush on that as I'm more concerned with the loose sheets of paper elsewhere.  I need to do about 7 chapters a month to get the edits done on Sparker. This is possibly too ambitious, but I'm going to try my best. It's important. I want to spend the rest of the year deciding on publishing. I was originally going to try querying, but Jenna Moreci's last video has so many excellent points on what made her decide to self-publish, so I think I've finally learned what I needed to make that decision. I intend to go with either Friesen or Tellwell. Hopefully

Seeing Red

It's post holiday and I'm in the stage where my home is a giant mess from the things I didn't get to before I had to travel. And, I can't do a thing about it right now. All I can do is wonder if and when my nose may stop bleeding. This isn't new for me. I used to get bloody noses all the time as a child.  One time, it was so bad my parents almost had to bring me to the hospital. That one was after jumping into our pool.  I suspect I am getting this one because of the dryness from home heating. All I can do is lubricate once it stops.  And it has. Finally. I just need to give it a moment before I put anything up there. I suppose it's that time of the year where one should just relax anyway, but after reading a friend's blog post on Goodreads I discovered I used to have my own blog connected, but never updated it when I changed its home. I've now fixed that. This is likely all the progress I will achieve this week as I get my booster shot tomorrow and my a

Christmas 2021

 'Twas the days after Christmas, and a return to my house Was delightful and stirring, without a mouse No stockings were hung, because they don't do that After all the food, I was feeling quite fat! I looked forward to sleeping in my own bed As nice as it was to lay my head The holidays were over and I was relieved Some things that had happened, I could not believe. My parents could not understand what was the matter Had I just visited with the Mad Hatter? Away to my phone, I flew in a flash I left to avoid the wrong kind of bash. Hours of shopping behind mom walking slow Did not bestow me with a happy glow The things that they said, were born out of fear Of a world that was changing all they held dear. Annoyed and disgusted, inside I yelled ick! I needed to leave there extra damn quick Dear dad, that is more than quite lame Rather than calling someone by name. Needless to say, I looked forward to the end When I could return to those I call friends I returned to my place with a

Gathering Momentum

When something negative has been a constant in my life, it takes a toll. I haven't had the mental bandwidth to do much lately. But changes are slowly happening and I'm gathering momentum. The frustrations of 2021 are gradually easing up. I feel immensely relieved and my mind is freer to focus on everything else in my life including my writing. I even have a date planned ;) I spent much of the weekend cleaning, reading, and working on my 2022 Q1 goals list. The weather was bad, so why not?  I won't be declaring it my year. I don't want to scare it. Despite all the good that is happening, I'm sad. The world lost a writer today who influenced me to write in a genre that is often make dominated. Her stories impacted me greatly. I think it quite likely that The Tale of the Body Thief helped me imagine how others may feel in a situation. It has definitely been a helpful imprint for character creation as one of mine learns about themselves. Her Mayfair Witches are a favour

Frustrated Beyond Measure

Lately, and for quite some time now, it seems every path I try presents a roadblock. My bicycle has been one roadblock after another. Tires that don't stay inflated long enough to ride it have been a major problem. And it took a long time to find ones that work between Covid supply issues and the size needed. When I finally found them, the chain got all twisted and I haven't been able to get it on properly, so I needed to take it into the shop. I was going to do that on Saturday, but it finally decided to snow and since people largely drive extra bad here on Saturday, that combined with the first major snow made me think twice about driving across town. So  I went on Sunday instead. I was overthinking, as I often do, about when I might have to return to pick it up and getting a bit stressed about it all. The technician fixed it right then and there and didn't even charge me anything! Then there is my bathroom renovation. Yeah, no luck with plumber #4. There was a lot there

My 2021 Goals Update

Reno The plumber is due this morning and I'm cautiously optimistic. This is the 4th I've been in contact with. The first only did jobs of a certain size and was trying to convince me to put in an open concept shower that would have had water everywhere and cost about $10,000-15,000. I live in a condo and if water goes from my unit into another unit, I'm in trouble. The second plumber wouldn't return calls or book anything and is no longer being called for work in the building by anyone. Several months were lost here. The third plumber was under contract with the property manager and waited many months to tell me they felt they shouldn't because it wasn't for the property company. So more time lost there. This new plumber has a policy of fixing it the day they look at it whenever possible, so I am really hopeful this will be resolved, but given all the ridiculousness I'm guarding my hope. The door to the water shutoff still hasn't been unlocked though I r