I'm not going to talk about my goals today. There is something more important than them to discuss. It is 2020. How are the police still killing unarmed individuals? How can we call ourselves first world nations made of civilized persons when this is still happening? The FBI draw up profiles on people who are likely to be terrorists, serial killers, etc. Why is there not a profile on racist a**holes who are likely to kill people for no reason? We have so much technology available, yet there hasn't been enough focus on capturing so-called bad guys instead of killing them. I see a lot of people lately doing challenges online. I've been doing the 10 Movies That Have Impacted Me one. What if we do a 10 Times I Thought I Might Die While Doing Something Ordinary Like Buying Diapers challenge? Here are mine: 1. When I was 5, a friend dared me to throw a rock over a car. I missed and hit the windshield. Then the man came at us. We ran. I hid. He was a spoiled lawyer's son. My ...
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