Arts & Crafts Well, the shorts were being a pain in the butt. My sewing machine did not like the two fabrics I was trying to join together. Fabric glue wasn't sticky at all. I had to hand sew the four wide stripes on. I decided to just tack them every inch or so like this: It held them while letting them move with the shorts easily. I was scared to drill a hole in the green clay stone I made, but it thankfully turned out just fine. After an appointment in Kanata/Stittsville on Tuesday, I dropped by deSerres to get more soft clay to make the other 4 Stones of Power. There are many more, but I'll add those to my necklace sometime after the event. Having the 5 was the important part. Then I finished the shorts and nearly finished the shirt. I added lettering to the front of the jersey shirt. It needed ironing to set the lettering and more glitter glue to be done. I did the glitter glue while I had downtime and during the window where I couldn't iron it for about 13 hours....
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