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2024 - Week 25

Arts & Crafts 

Craft night didn't happen this week. I was the only one who showed up. As nice as the woman at the library is, I'm re-evaluating my own attendance since this happens far too often. There's another group that meets monthly and is easier to fit into my schedule, so I'm looking into that.

Decluttering & Minimalism 

On the digital end of things, I replaced the Goals tag with Goal Setting & Tracking. I also made a template for the blog. It's not great. It just lets me skip typing out the headers I use in nearly every post, but I still have to format them into the header format. Still, it's helpful because Blogger has this feature I find annoying. What is it? It doesn't show the outline of the box where posts are typed. I want lines, but there is nowhere to turn that on in the settings. Anyway, I'd make the template better, but it only accepts basic text.

I have some things I want to do, but they require my drill and I don't know where it has migrated to.  

Gaming & Streaming 

My friends started a new Minecraft server, so I've been putting some time in there. I'm not sure when I'll get back to streaming. I'm kind of just living life right now.

Goal Setting & Tracking 

I'm so busy lately, that I lose track of what I should be doing. I decided it was time to bring back goal setting & tracking to the blog, but not in an annoying way.

Arts & Crafts - Get back to Fairy Cross-Stitch.
Decluttering & Minimalism - Relocate ironing board.
Gaming & Streaming - Clean craft room.
Lifestyle & Sports - Prepare for softball weekend.
Music & Songrwriting - Attend first violin lesson.
Reading & Writing - Finish Stone Butch Blues and edit 2 chapters of Sparker.

Lifestyle & Sports 

I can't believe I forgot this. I'm finally a proper lesbian. I now own hiking shoes 😂: 

My feet have never felt so supported. Also, women's hiking shoes start at my size, which is wonderful to discover. Maybe a lifetime of shoe problems has been due to shopping in the wrong places. I got these at Decathlon. 

The results on my shoulder are, "Mild supraspinatus tendinosis. No clear evidence of tear." So what does that mean? Some more strengthening targetted at my tendon and exercises that help me get full use of my arm muscle, which has probably shortened due to it. Ice, rest, and anti-inflammatories are also recommended. I've booked with my physiotherapist to get the exercises I need though it will be out of pocket.

I got to meet Team Homan on Friday. I just want to say that it's never OK to put your hands on a professional athlete without permission and it's extra insidious to do so when they are female because they would get labelled as cold bitches. It's creepy, gross, and a reason why women are choosing the bear. Actually, let me edit that to say it's never OK to put your hands on someone you don't know, regardless of gender, class, etc. It's so unfortunate that female athletes endure this crap all the time. Why don't they just ask them to stop? Imagine the headlines.

Music & Songwriting 

I had my first violin lesson. We talked about the violin and I learned to hold it after the teacher tuned it. I plucked the strings briefly. I've played it more by myself before getting a teacher, so I'm exercising so much patience.

Reading & Writing

I'm almost near the end of Stone Butch Blues. Jess, the protagonist, is starting over yet again. If you ever want to know how to torture a character, read this book.

It's budget planning time at work, so my brain feels rather melted by the evening. All that to say that I've not gotten much writing done this week.

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