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Thoughtful Thursday - Itch from Hell

Sometimes, when I have a bad day, I think I'm the target of some cruel joke. My life hasn't turned out the way I planned. Some things are going well. I've gotten some short stories published and will have books in my hands very soon that I can sell to fund my novel. That's surreal. I need someone to pinch me so I know I'm not just having a good dream.
My health is an area that makes me really sad at times. It's where I keep taking the most hits. I started having symptoms at age 14. My parotid salivary glands would swell up. It's always painful when that happens.

In my twenties, I experienced an episode of sleep paralysis while hallucinating. It wasn't until about 5 years after that, they said I had narcolepsy. I lived with that for 3 years until no stimulant medication helped and I had the symptoms of stroke so took myself off the meds. My body had decided it wasn't narcoleptic anymore. This was all proven both times by the tests.

After that it was discovered that I was sensitive to dairy, eggs, and yeast. That has been a fun diet.

Next, I began having joint pain. I remembered during a check for carpal tunnel in my twenties that I had a positive RA factor. So I got some blood tests done and was sent to a rheumatologist. 

Many of my symptoms match an autoimmune disorder. One that features dryness, so stimulants were about the worse thing I could be on. The trouble is that my body is again rejecting medication. Rather violently through a rash. As a baby, I reacted this way to penicillin.

So I'm at a loss right now as I feel rather like I'm in hell. I've been reacting since the 8th, despite hydrocortisone cream, allergy medicine, baking soda baths, tea tree oil, antifungal cream, aloe, calamine, apple cider vinegar, and diaper rash cream.

It's clear my body is pissed off for some reason.

I see my specialist tomorrow. Hopefully she'll know what to do. 

Until then, I expect to have another night of difficulty sleeping. 

I wish I could trade skin with someone.

I'm exhausted but too itchy to sleep and I just want to cry.



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