[caption id="attachment_11040" align="alignright" width="300"] Image created using Bitmoji[/caption]
In the physical sense, things aren't ideal. My neck still hurts though I have a little more range of motion today. The last couple of days I couldn't tilt it left or right at all. I can't go far with it, but I can do more than none.
The things that are helping aren't just the neck exercises, but swinging my sword and other exercise. That's likely partly due to endorphin being a natural pain killer, but also moving is necessary for healing as the newer acronym METH (Movement, Elevation, Traction, Heat) says. Oh, Aleve and Tiger Balm are also wonderful things.
The video link that I shared the other day suggests to keep doing the exercises that don't hurt or stop before the point where it hurts. This is something none of the physiotherapists I've been to said. In fact, most just put me in a room after showing me the exercises once and just left me without thinking that I might never have been injured enough to have a clue about pain being a bad sign. No pain, no gain except when you're talking about the spine, apparently. Therefore, it's not so much of a wonder to me why my neck issue keeps returning. Hopefully, this time I'll get it to heal for good.
I have another complication though. Monday's Couch 2 5k session has left a small muscle in my left leg called the m. tensor fasciae latae feeling pulled. This is one of the muscles used in lifting the leg. I got through martial arts last night because we were focusing on standing techniques rather than a lot of up and down movement. Today's session will likely be a lot more walking than jogging, but at least it's exercise.
I bet that wouldn't have happened had I been doing kicks regularly. I'll have to get back into that.
It's possible that I have a longer recovery time than others due to Sjögren's. I'm not worried about it. I'll just push a little less hard. I may also be more susceptible to chafing in areas due to the extra dryness. It's a normal running problem but takes less run time for me to experience.
I also make sure to take L Glutamine to prevent gut damage. It was suggested to me by a nutritionist when I first came to Ottawa to help heal my yeast sensitivity.
I've noticed something about myself. I seem to over tense my muscles when using them. I'm not sure if this is related to being bullied during gym class in elementary school, living through an emotionally abusive long term relationship, Sjögren's, anxiety, or some combination of the above, but I'd sure like to get it to stop. If anyone has experienced this, please let me know what has helped.
Off to eat breakfast and slowly walk. I'll probably get rained on, but it's rather warm in Ottawa anyway.
Guid cheerio the nou,
In the physical sense, things aren't ideal. My neck still hurts though I have a little more range of motion today. The last couple of days I couldn't tilt it left or right at all. I can't go far with it, but I can do more than none.
The things that are helping aren't just the neck exercises, but swinging my sword and other exercise. That's likely partly due to endorphin being a natural pain killer, but also moving is necessary for healing as the newer acronym METH (Movement, Elevation, Traction, Heat) says. Oh, Aleve and Tiger Balm are also wonderful things.
The video link that I shared the other day suggests to keep doing the exercises that don't hurt or stop before the point where it hurts. This is something none of the physiotherapists I've been to said. In fact, most just put me in a room after showing me the exercises once and just left me without thinking that I might never have been injured enough to have a clue about pain being a bad sign. No pain, no gain except when you're talking about the spine, apparently. Therefore, it's not so much of a wonder to me why my neck issue keeps returning. Hopefully, this time I'll get it to heal for good.
I have another complication though. Monday's Couch 2 5k session has left a small muscle in my left leg called the m. tensor fasciae latae feeling pulled. This is one of the muscles used in lifting the leg. I got through martial arts last night because we were focusing on standing techniques rather than a lot of up and down movement. Today's session will likely be a lot more walking than jogging, but at least it's exercise.
I bet that wouldn't have happened had I been doing kicks regularly. I'll have to get back into that.
It's possible that I have a longer recovery time than others due to Sjögren's. I'm not worried about it. I'll just push a little less hard. I may also be more susceptible to chafing in areas due to the extra dryness. It's a normal running problem but takes less run time for me to experience.
I also make sure to take L Glutamine to prevent gut damage. It was suggested to me by a nutritionist when I first came to Ottawa to help heal my yeast sensitivity.
I've noticed something about myself. I seem to over tense my muscles when using them. I'm not sure if this is related to being bullied during gym class in elementary school, living through an emotionally abusive long term relationship, Sjögren's, anxiety, or some combination of the above, but I'd sure like to get it to stop. If anyone has experienced this, please let me know what has helped.
Off to eat breakfast and slowly walk. I'll probably get rained on, but it's rather warm in Ottawa anyway.
Guid cheerio the nou,