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Funky Friday: April 2nd - 8th

[caption id="attachment_4712" align="alignright" width="300"]Image created using Bit Strips. Image created using Bit Strips.[/caption]

It has either been a quiet week, or my writing has made me oblivious. Most of this I was completely unaware of without Google.

Personal News:

  1. Happy: I'm doing OK for NaNoWriMo. I've finished editing chapter 10 of 24 and there are 22 days left. My word count is not rising substantially, but I figure a smaller book that is (hopefully) well written is better than a crappy book that meets word count.

  2. Strong: I rearranged my bedroom and could lift things I couldn't before. Martial arts is paying off! But, oh, am I sore today...

News around Ottawa:

  1. Annoyed: They're still trying to figure out this taxi "issue". Apparently, there may have been a plan to blockade city buses. Of course, the taxi union is saying there was never a plan to block buses. Personally, I think they should just innovate already. If Apple attacked Android phone users every time an Android phone had a neat idea, they wouldn't have the customer base they do. It's called competition. Get over yourselves and think about the customers! Paying ridiculous fees to go for a short ride in a cab is not acceptable.

  2. Blazé: Apparently, Garth Brooks was here. I'm not a country fan, so I don't keep track of those things.

  3. Fed Up: A snowstorm hit the Capitol region as many headed home. I would be one of those that had to navigate without winter tires as my dad changed them over Easter. We got about 14cm that day and broke a record. The next day, the rain took much of it away.

  4. Helpless: There was another shooting. Why are there so many of these happening lately?

  5. Exasperated: The idea of supervised injection sites is stirring up controversy. I hate when people in power chime in on something they know nothing about and are unwilling to do actual research before making a decision.

  6. Intrigued: There's an insidious mineral destroying the foundations of homes in Quebec. It's such a big deal, the federal government is getting involved.

  7. Shocked*: It seems like the weather people have little clue about what April will bring to the Capitol region this month.
    *That was sarcasm in case you mistook that for actual shock.

  8. Amazed: Nintendo will have a new Zelda with a female actor doing Link's voice.

News in Canada and the Wider World:

  1. IndifferentMerle Haggard has left this world. Again, I'm not a country fan, but I know many loved his music and are upset.

  2. Yay: The unemployment rate is improving.

  3. Sad: An RCMP officer was killed in the line of duty. She was a young mother.

Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend. There is much to do this weekend for me. Much writing and martial arts ahead intermingled with mundane things like laundry.


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