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Funky Friday: Progress, Protests, and Politics

[caption id="attachment_4712" align="alignright" width="300"]Image created using Bit Strips. Image created using Bit Strips.[/caption]

This week in the news in my life, Ottawa, Canada, and the world.

  1. Accomplished: I figured out some major story revisions for The Page & The Magician and I'm looking forward to writing them into the current version. I'm on chapter 12 of 24 but need to go back and add some words to 11.

  2. Pleased: I finally got to a paint nite and painted a cherry blossom painting for my bedroom.image

  3. Ecstatic: I finally ordered the electric guitar I've been wanting for several years. I'm a 3/4 size player and the selection is small. It's hard to find one that is decent. I read reviews and chose the mini strat based on things like musical style versatility and its dependability as an instrument for serious playing or in my case, Rocksmith. There wasn't one in stock at Long & McQuade's, but it should be here by May 1.

  4. Upset: I missed a neighbourhood rally about the violent deaths that have been occurring too close to my home.

  5. Confused: An Ottawa man was put in isolation for 18 months and had a psychotic break as a result. I'm not surprised, but I am confused as to why they isolate people if they know it causes problems like this. They're supposed to go to prison to be rehabilitated, not to come out worse.

  6. Surprised: Apparently, there was a cock-fighting ring in Cornwall. I hate when cocks fight. It makes such a mess.

  7. Relieved: The city has green-lit Uber. Given how the taxi drivers have behaved in recent months, it's no surprise to me. Besides, innovation was necessary. There are rules, though. At least we can probably stop talking about it now.

  8. Impressed: They're actually trying to fix the overcrowding issue at the jail. Grammarly is telling me that should be gaol, which I'm aware is another spelling, but I don't think that is Canadian English... Unfortunately, this has not helped some of the inmates as one committed suicide rather than moving to a different jail.

  9. Interested: Montfort is getting an advanced heart scanner . Sounds like something Cristina Yang would be excited about.

  10. Unsure: The Supreme Court of Canada has extended rights to Métis and non-status Indians. Is this a good thing? It seems the Métis are happy about it. Will it do anything to solve the major issues like what is happening in Attawapiskat?

  11. Happy: NDP finally voted out Mulcair. Maybe now they will get a candidate that has a chance?

  12. Funny: It appears spring has finally arrived for the raccoons.

  13. Indifferent: Vaping seems to have become a hot-button issue. I can see both sides. The vapour hasn't been around long enough to know what its health effects are.

  14. Glad: door-to-door energy company is finally getting charged. It's nice when the scam artists are exposed, though often comes far too late for the victims. I hear energy costs are rising again next month in Ontario. We have so much potential to be a great province, but our premier keeps making it hard to afford to live here. Can we vote her out, please?

  15. Excited: It's Emma Watson's birthday! That's Hermione from Harry Potter, in case you somehow missed that. It's also Emma Thompson's birthday! That's Sybil Trelawney, the Divination teacher, also from Harry Potter.

  16. Unimpressed: Justin Bieber is trying to ride the adult colouring book wave...

  17. Shocked: A fire caused by fireworks killed over 100 people in India. We normally don't think of them as safe, but this is the first time I've heard of deaths that weren't drunken idiots in their backyards.

Well, I'm off to relax. It's been a busy week while covering for a co-worker.


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