I figured it was time for a general update.
I'm currently sitting at 14/24 books read in 2021.
French is back on my mind and I found a newer resource to try that involves reading stories. It was inexpensive, so worth a try.
I'm wanting to eventually take some courses to add to the film side of my resume. I'm not sure when I'll have the time or the money for them, but at least I have a direction.
I have a plumber booked for December 1st. Hopefully, this time, my shower will be repaired and upgraded. This one doesn't do tub surround installs, so I'll still have that to do, but once the leak is handled, I can do that.
My other bicycle tire is due tomorrow, so I may actually get to ride my bicycle this week as it's still fairly warm here in Canada.
I've been doing a lot of research to help finish Sparks and while playing Minecraft, I figured out the design of a grove. As my dad would say, "I love it when a plan comes together!"
I've also been making progress around the house. A few more items are ready for donation.
The only area of my life that is currently stalled is my dating life. But perhaps it's best that way until my home is more together and we're closer to herd immunity.
Mar shin leat,