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Warrior Wednesday - Chronic Pain

[caption id="attachment_11040" align="alignright" width="300"]sword Image created using Bitmoji[/caption]

Chronic pain is something that I suspect ancient warriors never had to endure because they usually didn't live long lives. Things like Post-Concussion Syndrome probably didn't happen since they likely died in their sleep.

School will be physically challenging for me between herniated discs that don't seem to want to heal and the usual pain and fatigue I get from my autoimmune condition.

Despite having a wheeled laptop briefcase, my neck was angry from carrying my bag up and down stairs a few times throughout the day. I'm going to have to be diligent about using the elevators and only lifting my bag to get it on and off the bus.

I was planning on checking the concerts out, but I was in too much pain and figured it best to listen to my body and head home. There's a lot of work ahead of me this year and I don't want to make things extra hard on myself by being an idiot.

Other than the pain, the first day was great. I was nervous and scared on the bus in the morning. Music and my lunch pail got me through that. It's a Rainbow Brite lunch pail my brother's girlfriend gave me as part of my birthday gift and it was a physical reminder of support from loved ones. I used to love that show, though I can't remember much of it now.

My classmates all seem pretty cool. Some have lived such interesting lives. Several are from other countries. The weirdest thing to me was there is another woman from my hometown with the same last name as me! I'm fairly sure we aren't related, but I think there may be some discussions eventually about it.

My teachers are all passionate about the work they do. Between them and the alumni that visited, I'm really excited to see what this year brings.

My OSAP has already come in, so I didn't have to wait long to get my software. The version the campus shop had was old, so I opted for a digital download. I also figured if my laptop blows up, I can at least reinstall Final Draft on my spare one or my media PC to ensure I make deadline. The only waiting I had to do was for them to verify that I'm a student. Between software installs, Facebook group adding, forms, and getting up to speed on Blackboard, it's a good thing I read ahead during the summer.

The seminar is also moving along as the insurance rider came in. I promptly uploaded that and left a message for the man at the school board. Hopefully we'll get that approval soon and then we just have lunch to nail down I think since I have the restaurants booked.

I've been so busy with school stuff that I'm going to have to do some self-training to ensure my legs are in shape for the seminar!

I had some small trouble with the bus. Apparently, in Ottawa, buses can have the same number, be going the same direction, and stop at completely different stops. The bus I took to pre-orientation had the same number as the one I took yesterday morning, but different names. This meant that the bus I took to pre-orientation went the full distance to the college and the one yesterday morning did not. I didn't panic though and ended up learning how things are at another station.

Oh, I also had to exchange the locker shelf I bought at the campus shop because it was too wide for my locker. I took a moment and moved my locker to a better location. I figured it was better to do it now rather than wait until there are less available ones. It's next to one of my classes and not far from an elevator or a washroom. Prime.

I haven't figured out what my TV show should be about yet. I know one idea I have is too big for this stage in my writing career, so I have to figure something else out. I have another that *might* work.

I have no ideas at all about plays yet. That reminds me, I already have homework in the form of watching movies. At least I've already read the pages that are assigned for that particular course.

Off to my first day of class where we'll jump into screen writing!

Guid cheerio the nou,

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