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Theatrical Tuesday - School

TuesdayAs I'm studying film production, screen and play writing, along with other things related to the performing arts, Tuesday content will probably often drift towards school or at least mention it. I'm supposed to learn to critique more effectively among many other things, so I'm excited to see how my future film reviews will compare to the ones I've already done.

My first week of school was a partial one. Last Tuesday was orientation where we met our teachers and classmates and talked about the program in a general sense while having pizza. It seems I now know where the delicious gluten free pizza is in this city. Finally.

On Wednesday, we had our first Screenwriting class, but it was mostly lecture rather than writing. We also introduced ourselves and talked about things like books. We talked about where ideas come from. A couple of us had already completed the homework that is due this week. After that class, I took the schedules and began making myself one that has everything on it, so I could get my to-do list together. I've mostly finished it, though I'm double and triple checking that things are where they should be. I don't want to miss an assignment as I hate those types of surprises. I grey out things once they're complete to keep track of what we did and what we still have to do. Some things I want to review in more depth and I leave them more visible for that reason.

In our first class on Thursday, we took a quaint trip outside to take pictures with our names on paper placards, so the teachers could use them to get to know us quicker. I suppose that makes sense in a class of 28. I thought of my pre-health friend in her 430 person program and marvelled at how so many people can have such different experiences on the same campus in the same time period. In the next class, we took a trip down to the video room to learn about the various equipment we can borrow to make our movies before we got into our groups and began hands-on learning camera shots. It's a little different than what I learned taking photography one year.

Monday of this week was my first theatre writing class. We did two writing sprints and I thoroughly enjoyed both of them. One has been handed in already and I have more time on the other one. The first was a piece on delivering bad news to someone. I wrote about telling someone new in your life about having a serious medical problem. The second was about an event that was transformative in our lives. I chose to write about the journey I've had because of losing a job.

After class, a couple of us went out for food and libations and had some good conversations.

Today, I have classes on Canadian film/media history and writing for broadcast. This particular teacher seems the most edgy and I'm looking forward to his classes. He's mentioned having screwed up a bunch of times in his career and plans to help us avoid his mistakes. I'm totally up for lessening my own skill at screwing up!

So I have plays, a TV show, short films, a PSA, a feature film, and probably a few other things to write all this year. Plus, I need to find time to edit my novel. Once I'm passed this weekend, I think I'll start getting a real routine together. Right now I'm just trying to get used to having a place to go every day where I have actual deadlines rather than self-imposed ones. My struggles have to do with time for food and cleaning my house for the most part at this time. I lose nearly 2.5 hours to the bus every day. I'm going to get some audio books going, so I can at least be reading without motion sickness.

I'm very happy that I moved my locker up a floor. It is a much better location even if the closest elevator is the slowest thing I've seen. I feel like I'm in the DMV waiting for a sloth to give me information when I'm waiting for it.

There's a lot of change going on it my life right now and I'm loving it :D

Guid cheerio the nou,


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