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Warrior Wednesday - The 7-5-3 Code

[caption id="attachment_11040" align="alignright" width="300"]sword Image created using Bitmoji[/caption]

Being a martial artist is about being a good person rather than destroying another person.

The 7-5-3 Code is a guide for living The Way. You may have seen images referencing it online. I charged myself with discovering the deeper meaning behind the words.

The 7 Virtues of a Warrior

1. Rectitude is living morally. The Golden Rule, to do unto others as you would have them do unto you comes in a few flavours. Some say that if you wish ill upon another, you are wishing that same ill upon yourself. Moral living means to do no harm, to prevent harm, and to do good.

2. Courage, according to Wikipedia, comes in several forms. Physical courage is where one chooses to act despite known, resulting, physical threat, which may include death. Moral courage is about choosing the proper path even if it isn't popular, will damage your reputation, or cause some other personal loss. It is also a choice between extremes. One cannot avoid action, nor can they be reckless. It is not simply charging at the threat. One should make conscious choices to do the right thing in the best possible way.

3. Benevolence, per Wordnik, has several meanings. One meaning is simply gift-giving. More commonly, it is the inclination to do good out of a love of other humans. This doesn't mean becoming Mother Theresa as her life was one of extremism.

4. Propriety, is about conforming to accepted standards. Etiquette exists to ensure we treat others with respect and dignity. Wars are often started by slights against the wrong people. That being said, one doesn't busy themselves with sword bows when their opponent is actually coming at them with a sword.

5. Honesty isn't just about not telling lies. It's about seeking the full truth of a situation rather than overhearing something at the office or reading one obviously slanted article online and thinking that is good enough. Opinions and feelings are not facts and evidence. Truth is better than a pretty lie.

6. Honour, according to Wikipedia, is "an abstract concept entailing a perceived quality of worthiness and respectability that affects both the social standing and the self-evaluation of an individual or institution such as a family, school, regiment or nation. Accordingly, individuals (or institutions) are assigned worth and stature based on the harmony of their actions with a specific code of honour, and the moral code of the society at large."

7. Loyalty is about sticking with your loved ones, but not blindly. Loyalty needs other virtues to balance it.

The 5 Keys to Health

1. Rational Nutrition: Extreme diets DO NOT lead to long term good health.
2. Sensible Exercise: Too much or too little isn't good for the body.
3. Efficient Rest: Not all sleep is equal.
4. Proper Hygiene: Cleanliness reduces stress and increases contentment.
5. Positive Attitude: There is some good in everything, but don't be blind to the bad.

The 3 States of Mind

1. Zanshin (Alertness, Awareness)

Zanshin is a relaxed awareness. In martial arts it means to stay calm, but always be ready for a fight. It means to be aware of your surroundings.

2. Mushin (Clear Mind)

Mushin is a state where one is unattached to any particular outcome and is thus open. In this state one can react appropriately to whatever they face. One can also learn better if they are open.

3. Fudoshin (Emotional Balance)

Fudoshin is the act of keeping your emotions under control. When you react based on emotions, you make mistakes that will either get yourself killed or someone you love.


Guid cheerio the nou,

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