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Merry Monday - 2017 Civic Weekend

[caption id="attachment_4711" align="alignleft" width="300"]merry_monday Image created using Bit Strips.[/caption]

Well, my weekend has been a bit of a roller coaster of emotions. Sometimes I get extremely frustrated. Especially if my B12 levels get low. The frequency that I curse rises the lower my B12 levels are. When they get low, I get upset easily and feel really angry. It sucks. What sucks even more is somehow always forgetting that's what's making me upset until it gets bad. I had been slightly reacting to the cherry flavoured sublingual ones. I'm annoyed I can't seem to find the unflavoured kind now. They tasted fine. I don't need my vitamins to taste like candy. Anyway, the sublingual ones are 1000 mcg and the only ones I could find when I went that didn't have a bunch of extra additives were 250 mcg. You can see how that became a problem, I'm sure.

My original plans for the weekend included seeing my significant other, but he was sick and not up for seeing anyone. We don't get a lot of time together because our schedules rarely align. It's something we're working on, of course, but it is what it is.

I ended up watching movies and attending a webinar. Webinars are always iffy. You learn a bit, but they often feel like sitting through a time share presentation. This one wasn't so heavy with marketing that I didn't learn anything. It did make me interested in taking the course it was promoting. Perhaps once school is done.

It started off really hot, so I was also cranky because of that until I stopped being an idiot. Then I remembered my adjustable tabletop laptop table has a fan built into it to keep the laptop cool, which actually helps keep me and the house cool too. I also brought my fan out of the bedroom.

Cleaning off my balcony helped my mood. It was satisfying to sit out there and enjoy a breeze. It would've been nice to have a gluten free beer or cider while sitting out there, but I was too broke to buy any.

Later, I caught a squirrel climbing on my balcony screen door.

I didn't mind that it got cold later, though I know that wrecked the long weekend for some. It made it easier to do things like clean the balcony.

Only trouble is, cleaning the balcony has left me with a pulled right hamstring muscle. I went for my "run" anyway, which was pretty much all walking. There are things around the house to pick up, but I can't bend over to do that, so it will have to wait. My thigh will have a date with a tennis ball to hopefully work that out since I don't own a foam roller.

As I look around my place, I still see so much that needs to be done, but I'm took broken to do it today.

Last night, I tried to play a free game that is supposed to work with my laptop, but doesn't. The graphics are so bad that I can't see the characters to even choose the one I want to play. It was frustrating to find this out after hours of patching the thing. I was looking forward to catching up with friends who don't live near me. It's always more fun while gaming.

Anyway, I suppose I should get on with the rest of this holiday Monday. It's not really a holiday for many who work for themselves. I'm choosing to start living my school schedule to a degree to be sure I'll be able to do things like exercise before school. Looks like I need to get up earlier than I am right now, which means also going to sleep earlier.

I'm not sure what I'm really trying to say with all of this today, except perhaps I'm not feeling as merry as I'd like today, so I best end it here.

Guid cheerio the nou,

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