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Make-It Monday - Are You Willing to Work?

bitmoji_goalsI watched one of those 60-second documentaries on Facebook today during a writing break. It was about a 77-year-old ballet dancer named Mrs. Poole. She talked about how ballet isn't easy, but has to look it. It takes a lot of discipline and it's a lovely feeling to work hard, but enjoy it.

Gee, what else have I heard this about? Writing? Yep. Martial arts? Yep! Music? For sure. It's almost like everything worthwhile in life requires hard work or something.

I'm reading Ed Sheeran's book right now where he says he grew up with virtually no TV or video games and devoted his time to learning the guitar. He sucked at school, but he and his dad went to tons of concerts and he listened to a lot of different artists. He was terrified to do his first ever performance, but it went well, so that encouraged him to continue. Had it went bad, I guess we wouldn't have Ed to listen to now?

It seems like everyone who gets anywhere has to put a lot of work in and has to sacrifice to get where they're going. Ed didn't have a lot of friends growing up and he's kind of busy these days too. There are undoubtedly times he has to be doing something related to his music instead of hanging out with buddies.

Most people can't make those sacrifices. Some have a small circle so they can make time for it all.

A man I dealt with at the bank the other day told me he used to write, but doesn't feel like he has time now. He was working until 4pm and couldn't find time? I'm a writer, a martial artist, a background actor, and an occasional Uber delivery driver. If you want stuff, you can find the time.

What the last handful of years has taught me is that very few people truly support others in their ambitions. It's better to have a small circle of people who truly care than a large one filled with faux friends no matter where you may or may not be headed.

And of course, sometimes there's just not enough time to make time for others when you're job hunting, renovating, writing, and doing martial arts. I haven't even had time to play my guitar much lately, which makes me sad. I've also missed a number of martial arts days and evenings because it's been too hot to practice in a dojo with no a/c. Yesterday, I was a bit dehydrated from working around the house the day before.

Once the heat breaks, I'll be able to push forward on the living room. I'm trying to be sure I'm passed the dehydration before I hit it hard again. It's supposed to cool down tomorrow, which will help. I got the small wall by the door pretty much done, though the cord channel is being difficult. I haven't decided whether or not to paint the door or leave it the grey it is. I'll probably change the handle either way to match all the others in my condo. I keep pushing a little closer to the vision I have in my head. Each step is progress. Right now I'm boxing up the books I'm keeping and getting ready to go through the things I'm not sure about. I know some will be pitched out.

I dreaded decluttering for a long time, but now that I'm doing it, I'm excited. The cleaner it gets, the more alive and happy I feel.

Things are progressing on the job front, though I don't expect to hear much this week. Thursday, I'm supposed to do some background acting for a Christmas movie. Yes, they're filming a Christmas movie in July because it needs to be ready for Christmas. Movie magic makes it possible.

Anyway, time to make a late lunch, then back to work.


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