[caption id="attachment_10523" align="alignright" width="300"] Image created using Bitmoji[/caption]
We all hope our sex scenes will be steamy segments of sexy fun that makes the reader want to find their partner and have a great weekend of the best sex they've had in a while.
We're also terrified they'll be the most flaccid making garbage that has ever been written down.
If they are funny even, that's usually better than a turn off.
I mean, funny things happen sometimes like unexpected noises.
Some sex scenes are better than others.
Some are so bad that I feel sorry for the author.
Apparently, there are awards for this type of thing. You can check them out here.
I have a packed weekend that begins with the GONQ show at The Wellington at 9. Well, technically it begins around 3:30 for me as I have to bus to the college to meet up with my fellow actors to run through out comedy show one last time before the real thing. Saturday is low key, so I think that will be laundry and homework day. Sunday is the second last martial arts practice before grading next weekend, followed by B-movie club. Then I have a busy week ahead of me.
I hope you have a great weekend and enjoy the sales if you're into that sort of thing.
Guid cheerio the nou,
We all hope our sex scenes will be steamy segments of sexy fun that makes the reader want to find their partner and have a great weekend of the best sex they've had in a while.
We're also terrified they'll be the most flaccid making garbage that has ever been written down.
If they are funny even, that's usually better than a turn off.
I mean, funny things happen sometimes like unexpected noises.
Some sex scenes are better than others.
Some are so bad that I feel sorry for the author.
Apparently, there are awards for this type of thing. You can check them out here.
I have a packed weekend that begins with the GONQ show at The Wellington at 9. Well, technically it begins around 3:30 for me as I have to bus to the college to meet up with my fellow actors to run through out comedy show one last time before the real thing. Saturday is low key, so I think that will be laundry and homework day. Sunday is the second last martial arts practice before grading next weekend, followed by B-movie club. Then I have a busy week ahead of me.
I hope you have a great weekend and enjoy the sales if you're into that sort of thing.
Guid cheerio the nou,