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Fortifying Friday - Resolutions?


I guess it's that time of year. Time to decide my plan for the year ahead. I worked as a planner for a long time and I know how Murphy likes to screw with plans. I've never really been a New Year's Resolution type. Why? I don't believe in waiting until the new year to start on most goals. I mean, obviously if one were to start their list of 2017 books to read before 2017, that would be cheating, but other things? Just go out and do the things. Don't wait for the perfect day. Don't wait until you have hand weights to exercise or you'll go to the store and find they literally only have 1 in stock. Also, I just spent a bunch of time eating junk and drinking more alcohol than usual, so my body is probably saying 'WTF dude'.

Anyway, I know that it's not likely I'll be able to do a specific word count each day. My life has been too unpredictable. I know it doesn't make sense to try to do some exercise programs while also doing martial arts. I don't have the time to workout for 3 hours. Plus, if I'm going to do a bunch of legwork on a day from Iaido, I'm not going to spend 2 hours killing myself with RushFit beforehand. Anyway, I'm not even sure where I'm going with this rant, so onto my plans.

Here is what I plan for 2017:

  1. Complete my reading list with the caveat that if a book is horrendous, I can switch it out for something else. Life is skilled at torturing me enough that I don't believe in forcing myself to read something I hate. Also, there are millions of books and I'm only on earth for a short amount of time.

  2. Be kinder to others. Unless they insist on being an asshole to me. I'm not a doormat for anyone. I can already see how well I'm going to do at this one.

  3. Get The Page & The Magician published somehow. This one is the most important one.

  4. Write more. And not with the TV on. Actually dedicate some time that is just for writing.

  5. Do at least one thing listed on my bucket list.

  6. Keep training in martial arts and attempt Nidan grading again. Improve how long I can do seiza for and how I do tatehiza. Improve my posture also. Practice cutting every day.

  7. Exercise more regularly not including martial arts. Stop slowly killing myself by sitting in a chair all day. I don't have specific goals here. I'm already in my ideal weight range and just need to firm things up. I'm more interested in seeing gains in performance. I'll start by finding my limits on things like squats I guess.

  8. Keep my home a little cleaner. This one might take all year.

  9. Continue learning French. Dedicate time for this too.

  10. Learn to make videos for my YouTube channel.

  11. Be open to falling in love.

  12. Play more music. Music is one of the things that makes me happy and I need to do it more. All 3 instruments. It's time to stop making excuses and make more time to play.

  13. Play more video games. I fucking love these things and I hardly ever play them.

  14. Laugh more. Watch more comedies. Learn to fucking relax.

Well, that's all I can think of. Wish me luck?

I hope 2017 is a better year for us all.



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