It's hurricane season. Thankfully, where I live I don't get much more than heavy rains.
I find it interesting that the US elections are held near the end of hurricane season. I suppose if they can make it through the elections, they can handle anything.
I do sometimes feel like my life is one storm followed by another. I'm not saying that in search of some pity. It's just an observation. Outside of the challenges I face from allergies and such, I get very busy during the year from April through to December. It makes it hard to feel like I have my shit together in the slightest.
Someday, I may have a clean home, but that's going to take a partner that can work with me on keeping it clean. I'm hesitant to bring someone else into the hot mess that is my life. I know the right one will help rather than compound the hard things, but there has been far more of the wrong.
Largely, I feel like living life is far more important than my dishes and laundry always being clean and put away. There are languages, martial arts, and instruments to learn. There are stories to read and stories to write. There are people to spend quality time with.
Some people I know have it together better than I do, but they are involved in less activities. Mostly, they watch TV.
I'm not sure if it's just a fairy tale idea I have that things will be better with another person in my life. They could be a hot mess too for all I know. I've learned not to get my hopes up too high.
For now, there's tacos cooking on my stove.