Dating is what is on my mind tonight. Why? I suppose that's the newest thing in my life. I'm really hoping it will get better. I really don't like wasting time with men who obviously don't care about anything but getting naked. I'm looking for someone who can be a friend too. That means we need more things in common than being close in height and a decent vocabulary. I need someone who has a good heart.
What I've experienced most recently was someone who is very judgemental about the sex lives of women. Someone who thinks it's wrong for women to have "special friends" and to be with one man this week and a different one the following week all while expecting a woman to put out on the first date. Also while declaring what birth control methods will be used going forward.
When I was safe in my own home, I told him there was no forward. Then he sent a barrage of messages and phone calls my way. He said there must be miscommunication somewhere because couldn't I see he wasn't just wanting sex? Except that dominated the conversation when he wasn't declaring how trustworthy he was. Because trustworthy people bring that up in casual conversation all the time...
Oh, but I kissed you so we aren't strangers anymore.
I have another date planned for tomorrow. It won't take much to be better than that one. Maybe I'll tell the man that, so he can relax. The live band seems promising at least. Also, this one is into martial arts, so that's got a little more potential than a Taylor Swift lover. Don't get me wrong, I think she's OK, but I'm more of an Amy Lee, Tori Amos, Bjork, M0, and well a whole lot of others fan.
One of my former boyfriends asked me how the hell I find these guys. I honestly don't know. It's a skill I'd like to unlearn.
Anyway, I have laundry and such to do as it's Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend and I'm getting ready to visit the family.