And we're back to Monday. I did some work then stepped out for fillings in the right side of my mouth. It had been very sensitive to drink anything. I preemptively took some Aleve, which helped reduce some of the pain. Especially for when the dentist opted to not freeze my main nerve in order to allow me to speak and such after the fillings. There were about 6 seconds of pain when she drilled, which felt like an eternity. My superintendent was concerned when he saw me in the lobby as I looked rather like I had had a stroke because half of my face was a bit droopy. I assured him I was good. Unexpectedly, a friend reached out about the Ottawa Pixies event she was having and I spent the evening in good company debating what intelligence is after we watched a short documentary. I'm really glad she reached out because Facebook's algorithms didn't show it to me despite having that group in my Favourites. Reasons I'm increasingly finding little use in Facebook include that. I've signed up for the Eventbrite emails for the group.
I was a bit tired on Tuesday as I was a little wired and didn't get to sleep right away after Monday's outing. After we had a productive meeting at work, I started some of my weekend prep. It was more work followed by an eye exam. I tried a new location out because my previous one wasn't getting back to me. Most people don't realize my current glasses are old. I got them just before the pandemic, so not a lot of people had seen me in them. I'm looking forward to having new ones in a couple of weeks. I'll wear the old ones at softball to keep the new ones intact. I'll be going back later for contacts as I can't curl in glasses or goggles. My new glasses are bifocals. It was a better choice to go with those rather than progressives because peripheral vision doesn't exist in progressives. Sports and martial arts don't go well with no peripheral vision! I need the bifocals for reading now. The good news is that by putting drops in my eyes several times a day, I've warded off eye damage!
Wednesday was pretty low key. After work, I got a couple of things to alter my softball jersey with and I watched the new Fast & the Furious movie. I feel like I liked and hated it. Like, it's just ridiculous at this point and needs to stop, but I liked that it seemed to know that about itself.
More work on Thursday. I got the alterations done on my jersey and took my old bed frame to donation before watching the Stanley Cup game. I was glad Vegas won because Florida kept choosing to fight. Maybe if they would've channeled their frustration into playing hockey, they would've done better.
Friday was softball. We played the Peaches. The team that is captained by the brother of one of my co-captains. We lost. Our current record is two ties and two losses. I tried to stop at Walmart on my way home for some snacks to bring to the tournament day to share, but the one near me suddenly decided to close an hour earlier. The staff was in the doorway with their arms crossed looking ready for a fight. The sign now says 10:00 PM. One teen was outside complaining about it. I just went home as there was nothing else to do but hope that I could get to the grocery store in the morning before my ride picked me up or see if my ride could make a quick stop anywhere. My initial attempt failed. The traffic lights were out and the grocery store is on the same electrical grid. So I went to the gas station and finally found snacks though they don't sell Sweet Chili Doritos in large bags. It was one of those things that should've been easy that was full of obstacles.
Saturday was a roller coaster ride of emotions for tournament day. I was running on little sleep and I generally can't eat a lot in the morning before 10. Our first game was at 10:30. And it was against someone who I recently learned had lied to me and some other people repeatedly for months. Being tired, hangry, and pissed off for being used in a scheme I never would've chosen to be involved in were not a good mix for batting well. Add my glasses slipping down my face and how distracting wearing a hat can apparently be and I hit nothing. But my team wasn't hitting their best in that game either. Anyway, I had vague words with that person because I had to let them know I was not fucking happy with them. The specifics were done through text as I loathe causing scenes. I was also annoyed by their suggestion to take me out batting because their only experience seeing me play was literally then! I usually hit the ball and have since I was a child. Anyway, I don't love confrontation, but all of that was a lot and I just couldn't pretend like nothing was wrong.
Game 2 was much better. I wasn't hungry anymore and we were all more awake. We got our first win of the season. I had been a little anxious for this one as there's someone on that team that I'm fond of and I had had such a bad start to the day. I missed the chance to chat with her when I went to help an injured teammate get celebratory libations. All hope is not lost though and that's all I'm saying for now 😊
We had a bit of a longer break before the third and final game. It was against the current best team in the league and we didn't score at all. But three games in we were tired and sore, so hopefully we'll do better the next time that we play them.
My ride and I lost the team after, got lost walking on Preston, and then had some food with our co-captain's brother who's on another team. Not the ending I pictured to the day, but it was a quieter after game experience and this introvert didn't mind that.
Sunday's plans were watching Danielle Allard on Twitch before Dino Sunday, which was slotted to be a Minecraft Parking Lot Fight. I wasn't as sore as I expected I would be, so I began rearranging my bedroom as that was much needed after the changes to my laundry situation. I really needed to move my dresser and my workout bench for better flow. There is a little more to rearrange in there, but that change improved things quite a lot. I didn't end up getting to the Minecraft night as I unexpectedly caught up with family as I had to drive out not far from their place. It was so lovely to see everyone as I hadn't since before the pandemic. They thought I had moved away! So many of them have grown up so much. And I'm amazed that the kids, who are now teens, remember coming to watch me play roller derby around 2014! What a fantastic ending to a mostly great week 💖